"Knowledge, Business, and Innovation. Economies and Sustainability of Future Growth"
INEKA (formerly GIKA) announces the 10th Annual International Conference in Verona/Italy. As in the Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Knowledge Academy (INEKA) 2019 Conference, you will have the opportunity to publish in prestigious journals.
SSCI/JCR-ranked journal (WOS by Clarivate Analytics) of INEKA 2019 include:
- Journal of Business Research (Elsevier)
- Technological Forecasting and Social Change (Elsevier)
- Technological and Economic Development of Economy (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Press)
- Review of Managerial Science (Springer)
- Psychology & Marketing Journal (Wiley-Blackwell Publishers)
- International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research (Emerald)
- International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal (Springer)
- Economic Research (Taylor & Francis)
- European Journal of International Management (Inderscience)
In addition, there are special issues in the following SCOPUS journals:
- International Journal of Applied Decision Science (Inderscience)
- International Journal of Emerging Markets (Emerald)
- Journal of Promotion Management (Taylor & Francis)
- Journal of Small Business Strategy
- Contemporary Economics
- International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems (IGI Global)
- European Journal of Management & Business Economics (Emerald)
We are proud to announce that the 2019 INEKA Annual International will be held in the University of Verona (Italy). Feedback, including suggestions from editors of international journals attending the Conference, will help the authors publish their papers. In fact, all the involved journals will participate in this 2019 INEKA Annual International Conference by publishing papers presented at the Conference.
INEKA 2019-Verona will have special awards. These awards will be sponsored by Elsevier (with the special award for the Best Empirical Paper), Thomson Reuters (with the special award for the Best Theoretical Paper), Emerald (with the special award for the Best Entrepreneurship Paper), and Betelgeux (with the special award for the Best Paper on Innovation). In the 10th Conference, INEKA has a special award sponsored by Family Firm Institute (FFI) to the Best Paper on Family Firms. In addition, this edition will be the first in which students will be able to send poster proposals in order to receive feedback.
Submission deadlines:
Deadline for extended abstract submission: November 30, *
Deadline for full paper submission and poster presentation: February 1, 2019
*Although submission of an extended abstract is not mandatory, it is
highly recommended so that authors can receive feedback.