Here you will find article based interviews with pioneers from the field. The division and committee are working on receiving permissions to publish the PDFs on this page. Currently, we have permissions for four of the articles below. Check back soon for more!
William Baumol
William J. Baumol: An entrepreneurial economist on the economics of entrepreneurship, by Gunnar Eliasson and Magnus Henrekson, Small Business Economics, 2004, 23: 1-7.
A dialogue with William J. Baumol: Insights on entrepreneurship theory and education, by Mark Griffiths, Jill Kickul, Sophie Bacq and Siri Terjesen, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 2012, July: 611-625.
Sue Birley
Entrepreneurship and wealth creation. Sue Birley reflects on creating and growing wealth, by Mike Wright and commented by Arnold Cooper, European Management Journal, 2001, 19(2): 128-139.
Informal interview: Download PDF
Ronald Coase
Coase on entrepreneurship, by Siri Terjesen and Ning Wang, Small Business Economics, 2013, 40: 173-184.
Arnold Cooper
A model scholar and preeminent contributor to our understanding of strategic entrepreneurship: Arnold C. Cooper (1933-2012), by Timothy B. Folta, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 8: 349-360 (2014).
Kathleen Eisenhardt
Kathleen Eisenhardt: recipient of the 2012 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research, by Bo Carlsson, Small Business Economics, 2013, 40: 797-804.
Maryann Feldman
Maryann Feldman: Recipient of the 2013 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research, Mark Lorenzen and Bo Carlsson reviews the scientific contributions of Maryann Feldman, Small Business Economics, 43: 1-8 (2014).
William Gartner
Building new roads for entrepreneurship research to travel by: On the work of William B. Gartner, by Daniel Hjorth and Bengt Johannisson, Small Business Economics, 2008, 31: 341-350.
(Re)lectures des opportunités, fragmentation du champ et fondements empiriques de l’entrepreneuriat (in English), by Henrik Berglund, Revue de l’Entrepreneurial, 2011, 10(1): 73-82.
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Bengt Johannisson
Enacting entrepreneurship research in a pioneering, provocative and participative way: On the work of Bengt Johannisson, by Chris Steyaert and Hans Landström, Small Business Economics, 2011, 36: 123-134.
Israel Kirzner
Israel M. Kirzner: An outstanding Austrian contributor to the economics of entrepreneurship, by Robin Douhan, Gunnar Eliasson and Magnus Henrekson, Small Business Economics, 2007, 29: 213-223.
Steven Klepper
Steven Klepper: Recipient of the 2011 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research, by Pontus Braunerhjelm and Bo Carlsson, Small Business Economics, 2011, 37: 131-140.
Josh Lerner
Josh Lerner: Recipient of the 2010 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research, by Pontus Braunerhjelm and Simon Parker, Small Business Economics, 2010, 35: 245-254.
Ian MacMillan
The academic entrepreneur: a biographical sketch of Ian MacMillan’s contributions to establishing the field of entrepreneurship, by Rita Gunther McGrath, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 9: 188-204 (2015).
Paul Reynolds
Paul D. Reynolds: Entrepreneurship research innovator, coordinator, and disseminator, by Per Davidsson, Small Business Economics, 2005, 24: 351-358.
Saras Sarasvathy
L’effectuation, une approche pragmatique et pragmatiste de l’entrepreneuriat (in English), by Olivier Germain, Revue de l’Entrepreneurial, 2011, 10(3): 67-72.
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Scott Shane
Scott A. Shane: Winner of the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research, by Per Davidsson and Johan Wiklund, Small Business Economics, 2009, 33: 131-140.
David Storey
Informal Interview: Download PDF
Shaker Zahra
Shaker A. Zahra: pioneering entrepreneurship scholar, David B. Audretsch analysis of Shaker Zahra’s contributions to the entrepreneurship literature, prepared for the occasion of the presentation of the Global Entrepreneurship Award to Shaker A. Zahra, Small Business Economics, 44, 721-725 (2015).
Shaker A. Zahra: L’entrepreneuriat comme connaissance (in English), by Kathleen Randerson, Revue de l’Entrepreneurial, 2012, 11(2): 53-62.
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