Evolution of Entrepreneurship as A Research Field
Early History of Entrepreneurship Research
Works with a main focus on the early development of entrepreneurship research.
Barreto, H. 1989. The entrepreneur in economic theory – disappearance and explanation. London: Routledge.
Baumol, W.J. 1968. Entrepreneurship in economic theory. American Economic Review, 58(2): 64-71.
Bögenhold, D. 2000. Limits to mass production: Entrepreneurship and industrial organization in view of the historical school of Schmoller and Sombart. International Review of Sociology, 10(1): 57-71.
Cassis, Y., & Pepelasis Minoglou, I. 2005. Entrepreneurship in theory and history: State of the art and new perspectives. In Y. Cassis & I. Pepelasis Minoglou (Eds.), Entrepreneurship in theory and history: 3-21. New York: Palgrave.
Casson, M., & Godley, A. 2005. Entrepreneurship and historical explanation. In Y. Cassis & I. Pepelasis Minoglou (Eds.), Entrepreneurship in theory and history: 25-60. New York: Palgrave.
Cuff, R.D. 2002. Notes for a panel on entrepreneurship in Business History, Business History Review, 76(1): 123-132.
Gopakumar, K. 1995. Entrepreneurship in economic thought: A thematic overview. Journal of Entrepreneurship, 4(1): 1-17.
Hébert, R.F, & Link, A.N. 1982. The entrepreneur. New York: Praeger.
Hébert, R.F, & Link, A.N. 1989. In search of the meaning of entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics, 1(1): 39-49.
Hébert, R.F, & Link, A.N. 2006. Historical perspectives on the entrepreneur. Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship, 2(4): 1-152.
Hébert, R.F, & Link, A.N. 2009. A history of entrepreneurship. Milton Park: Routledge.
Hoselitz, B.F. 1951. The early history of entrepreneurial theory. Exploration in Entrepreneurial History, 3(4): 193-220.
Hughes, R.T. 1983. Arthur Cole and entrepreneurship history. Business and Economic History, 12: 139-144.
Jones, G., & Wadhwani, R.D. 2007. Entrepreneurship. In G. Jones & J. Zeilin (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of business history: 501-528. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Landes, D.S., & Mokyr, J., & Baumol, W.J. (Eds.) 2010. The invention of enterprise: Entrepreneurship from ancient Mesopotania to modern.times. New York: Princeton University Press.
Murphy, P.J., & Liao, J., & Welsch, H.P. 2006. A conceptual history of entrepreneurial thought, Journal of Management History, 12(1): 12-35.
Joseph Schumpeter and Entrepreneurship Research
Works with an interesting in the life and contributions of Joseph Schumpeter.
Andersen, E.S. 2011. Joseph A. Schumpeter: A theory of social and economic evolution. New York: Palgravve Macmillan.
Andersen, E.S. 2012. Schumpeter’s core works revisited. Resolved problems and remaining challenges, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 22: 627-648.
Becker, M.C., & Knudsen, T., & Swedberg, R. 2012. Schumpeter’s ”Theory of Economic Development” 100 years of development, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 22: 917-933.
Canter, U. and K. Dopfer (2015), Schumpeter and his contemporaries – pr´cis and road marks, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 25, 1-19.
Kurz, H.D. 2012. Schumpeter’s new combinations. Revisiting his “Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung” on the occation of its centenary, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 22: 871-899.
Landström, H., & Schön, L. 2010. Industrial renewal and entrepreneurship in Sweden: a structural cycle explanation. In H. Landström & F. Lohrke (Eds.), Historical Foundations of Entrepreneurship Research: 383-405. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
McCraw, T.K. 2006. Schumpeter’s “Business Cycle” as Business History, Business History Review, 80(2): 231-261.
McCraw, T.K. 2007. Prophet of innovation. Joseph Schumpeter and creative destruction. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press.
Nelson, R.R. 2012. Why Schumpeter has had so little influence on today’s main line economics, and why this may be changing, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 22: 901-916.
Reisman, D. 2004. Schumpeter’s market: Enterprise and evolution. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Swedberg, R. 1991. Joseph A. Schumpeter. His life and work, Cambridge, MA: Polity Press.
Entrepreneurship As A Research Field (development from the 1970s and forward)
Works with a main focus on the development of entrepreneurship research since the 1970s.
Aldrich, H.E. 2012. The emergence of entrepreneurship as an academic field: A personal essay on institutional entrepreneurship. Research Policy, 41: 1240-1248.
Audretsch, D. (2012), ‘Entrepreneurship research’, Management Decision, 50(5), 755-764.
Carlsson, B., & Braunerhjelm, P., & McKelvey, M., & Olofsson, C., & Persson, L., & Ylinenpää, H. 2013. The evolving domain of entrepreneurship research. Small Business Economics, 41: 913-930.
Cooper, A.C. 2003. Entrepreneurship: The past, the present, the future. In Z.J. Acs & D.B. Audretsch (Eds.), Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research: 21-34. Dordrecht: Klüwer.
Cooper, A.C., & Markman, G.D., & Niss, G. 2000. The evolution of the field of entrepreneurship. In G.D. Meyer & K.A. Heppard (Eds.), Entrepreneurship as strategy. Competing on the entrepreneurial edge: 115-133. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Davidsson, P. 2008. Looking back at 20 years of entrepreneurship research: What have we learn? In H. Landström & H. Crijns & E. Laveren & D. Smallbone (Eds.), Entrepreneurship, sustainable growth and performance: 13-26. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Davidssoon, P., & Low, M.B., & Wright, M. 2001. Low and MacMillan ten years on: Achievements and future directions for entrepreneurship research. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 24(4): 5-15.
Finkle, T.A., & Deeds, D. 2001. Trends in the market for entrepreneurship faculty, 1989-1998. Journal of Business Venturing, 16: 613-630.
Katz, J.A. 2003. The chronology and intellectual trajectory of American entrepreneurship education 1876-1999. Journal of Business Venturing, 18: 283-300.
Landström, H. 2005. Pioneers in entrepreneurship and small business research. New York: Springer.
Landström, H., & Frank, H., & Veciana, J.M. (Eds.). 1997. Entrepreneurship and small business research in Europe. Aldershot: Avebury.
Landström, H., & Lohrke, F. (Eds.) 2010. Historical foundations of entrepreneurship research. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Landström, H., & Lohrke, F. (Eds.) 2012. Intellectual roots of entrepreneurship research. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Low, M.B., & MacMillan, I.C. 1988. Entrepreneurship, past research and future challenges, Journal of Management, 14(2): 139-161.
Martinelli, A. 1994. Entrepreneurship and Management. In N.J. Smelser & R. Swedberg (Eds.), The handbook of economic sociology: 476-503. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Swedberg, R. (Ed.) 2000. Entrepreneurship. The social science view. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Welsch, H.P. (Ed.) 2004. Entrepreneurship: The way ahead. New York: Routledge.
State-Of-The-Art Reviews
Acs, Z.J., & Audretsch, D.B. (Eds.) 2003. Handbook of entrepreneurship research. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Alvarez, S.A., & Agarwal, R., & Sorenson, O. (Eds.) 2005. Handbook of entrepreneurship research: Disciplinary perspectives. New York: Springer.
Kent, C.A., & Sexton, D.L., & Vesper, K.H. (Eds.) 1982. Encyclopedia of entrepreneurship. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Sexton, D.L., & Kasarda, J.D. (Eds.) 1992. The state of the art of entrepreneurship. Boston, MA: PWS-Kent.
Sexton, D.L., & Landström, H. (Eds.) 2000. The Blackwell handbook of entrepreneurship. Oxford: Blackwell.
Sexton, D.L., & Smilor, R.W. (Eds.) 1986. The art and science of entrepreneurship. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger.
Sexton, D.L., & Smilor, R.W. (Eds.) 1997. Entrepreneurship 2000. Chicago, IL: Upstart.