Update from the Research Committee
January 2025
By Veroniek Collewaert (Chair)
You may wonder what does the Research Committee really do? Allow me to shed light on the mystery! Every year, we receive submissions for the emerging scholar award (a combination of self-nominations and nominations by others), and the foundational paper award (nominations come from the ENT Division’s members). We also receive the top-rated candidates for the best paper awards (i.e. best empirical paper, best conceptual paper, best family business paper and best social entrepreneurship paper). Whereas the emerging scholar and foundational paper candidates are named candidates, the best paper awards remain anonymous to RC members.
All members of the RC vote for the foundational paper award. For all other categories, we split the work across RC members, ensuring every member votes for at least one other category. The number of nominees can vary. For instance, in 2024 we had 24 nominees for the Emerging Scholar Award, 8 nominees for the foundational paper award and best paper awards generally entail assessing 4 to max. 7 papers. Timing of evaluation is typically around end of April/early May.
Intrigued? Well, then it’s your lucky day as we are currently searching for new members for the Research Committee for the ENT division!
To ensure a representative spread amongst our members of the RC, we are specifically looking for senior (i.e. Associate or Full) female faculty. Ideally, you are located in either Africa, Asia, Australia or South America but this is not a must. If you yourself are a candidate OR you know someone who would perfectly fit the role, please let me know via veroniek.collewaert@vlerick.com .
Kind regards,
Chair of the ENT Research Committee