Special Issue “Mental Health, Well-being, and Entrepreneurship” BRQ Business Research Quarterly

Starts:  Jan 17, 2023 09:00 (DK)
Ends:  Jan 31, 2024 22:59 (DK)
Associated with  Entrepreneurship (ENT)
This special issue will examine mental health and well-being in entrepreneurship. Most published work on entrepreneurship and well-being has prioritized interesting research questions and the development of theory that can help us understand the unique well-being challenges in entrepreneurship. However, less emphasis has been placed on methodological rigor. We invite scholars to send high-quality empirically rigorous papers on the topic. We also welcome conceptual papers that discuss how methodological rigor could be enhanced. Papers should be based on and discuss relevant extant research; yet rather than extensive theory and hypotheses, authors should focus on conducting and communicating well-executed rigorous studies. We also welcome papers that use abduction to explain novel patterns uncovered through rigorous analysis of quantitative data that a-priory hypotheses would not have predicted. Manuscripts for the special issue are to be submitted by January 31st, 2024. BRQ Business Research Quarterly is a quarterly journal looking to publish a small set of high-quality articles in each issue that address central topics in the field. For information about the special issue and the journal please see this link: https://journals.sagepub.com/page/brq/call-for-papers
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Daniel Lerner
