Dear Ethne,
I think you should consider taking a look at some of the manuscripts that are included in the new special issue of the Journal of Small Business Management specifically on this topic. Three of the articles are already available online:
There is also another article on this topic recently available not included in the SI:
I hope this is helpful!
Ben McLarty
Assistant Professor
Mississippi State University
Benjamin McLarty
Mississippi State University
Mississippi State MS
Original Message:
Sent: 04-27-2021 13:33
From: Ethne Swartz
Subject: Entrepreneurial Mindset Course Syllabi
I am updating a course on entrepreneurial mindset and would like to see if there are colleagues willing to share such materials? Thank you in advance. My institution started out with material from the ELI but I am interested in research-based materials and data that seem to be emerging. For instance, the latest SBMJ article by Michael Morris on entrepreneurial mindset and poverty seems to be a real advance in the field.
Thank you for any insights.
Ethné Swartz, Ph.D.
Montclair State University
Ethne Swartz
Montclair State U.
Montclair NJ
(973) 879-3986