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REGISTER NOW: Online workshop on How and What to Submit to the AOM Conference

  • 1.  REGISTER NOW: Online workshop on How and What to Submit to the AOM Conference

    Posted 09-14-2021 07:07

    Dear colleagues,

    To support efforts from scholars around the world to submit their best work to the 2022 AOM Conference, the ENT Division's Executive Leadership and Global Scholar Development Committee invite ENT members to attend one of three online workshops where Division leaders and Representatives will share their "tips and tricks" for submitting to the Conference – and answer all questions and comments you may have. We will also include time for discussion and brainstorming about potential PDW and symposium organization.

    The online workshops will be conducted to accommodate participants located in three broad time zones: 


    • Americas workshop: November 15, 12:00pm-1:30pm EST

    Speakers: Jon CARR (North Carolina State U., USA) and Denis GRÉGOIRE (HEC Montréal, Canada)

    Facilitators: Sophie BACQ (Indiana U., USA), Maribel GUERRERO (Newcastle Bus. School, UK & Universidad Del Desarrollo, Chile) & Jeffrey POLLACK (North Carolina State U., USA)

    Logistics: Yuliya SNIHUR (Toulouse Bus. School, France)


    • Europe-Africa-Middle-East workshop: November 18, 16:00 CET

    Speakers: Sarah JACK (Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden) and Rachida JUSTO (IE University, Spain)

    Facilitators: Sofia JOHAN (Florida Atlantic U., USA) and Trent WILLIAMS (Indiana U., USA)

    Logistics: Yuliya SNIHUR (Toulouse Bus. School, France)


    • Asia-Pacific workshop: November 22, 7:00am in Shanghai & 9:00 am in Sydney

    Speakers: Peter KLEIN (Baylor U., USA) and April FRANCO (U. of Toronto, Canada)

    Facilitators: Matthew WOOD (Baylor U., USA)

    Logistics: Denis GRÉGOIRE (HEC Montréal, Canada)


    To reserve a spot for taking part, kindly enter your registration details in the following online survey https://forms.gle/ovLcbXYaTr5up6rB6. 


    Many thanks for your time and interest. 


    Denis Grégoire (HEC Montréal) 

    Yuliya Snihur (Toulouse Business School)