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  • 1.  Venture Finance Help

    Posted 06-14-2021 10:17

    ENT Nation-


    I have drawn the short straw and am working to revise our Venture Finance course in our ENT Major.  We know it is time for a change, and I know there are much better venture finance instructors than myself. 


    Calling on all Venture Finance Jedi-will you please share your best practices with me?


    Past Approach

    Our past approach has been primarily taught from an Accounting perspective and the majority of the content focused on building proforma financial statements-mostly from scratch.


    Thoughts on a New Approach

    We think we need a greater focus on how financial scenarios affect decision making (i.e. impacts of different business models and milestones on valuations), term sheets, and a faster approach to financial modeling using both debt and equity (proformas).


    I should also share this is an Undergraduate ENT course that takes place the Senior year. 


    Please email me at mrmarvel@bsu.edu


    Syllabi and supporting materials are much appreciated!


    Thank you-





    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Matt Marvel, Ph.D.

    The George A. Ball Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship

    Ball State University



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  • 2.  RE: Venture Finance Help

    Posted 06-15-2021 14:57

    I don't teach venture finance per se but I do include a module in our ENT capstone undergrad course. This is the book I use, which has very approachable content for seniors: https://www.amazon.com/Secrets-Sand-Hill-Road-Venture/dp/059308358X




    Dr. Kevin P. Taylor

    Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship | School of Business Administration





  • 3.  RE: Venture Finance Help

    Posted 06-16-2021 14:10
    Hi Matt,
    I am sure you've already thought of this, but I think one way to access this material would be to contact the professors that teach this course at different universities.  For example, at Colorado State, our Fundamentals of Entrepreneurial Finance is taught by Ellen Burnes out of the Finance Department.  At CSU the entrepreneurship curriculum is in the Management Department so we met several times with Ellen to help guide her through the concepts we use and how they could be applied in her course.   

    Best of Luck,

    Dawn DeTienne
    Colorado State University
    Fort Collins CO
    (970) 631-5930

  • 4.  RE: Venture Finance Help

    Posted 06-17-2021 11:50
    Dear Fellow ENT Division Members,

    I had shared this with Matt, but I thought I would also share this with the group.  

    Entrepreneurial Finance is a new area for me, so I read some books and articles to help me work through the material.  This happened during COVID so I made videos of my lectures and put them on YouTube. 


    If you like, feel free to use any of the playlists I have created:


    https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLg-LtUcDlT68Z-zm0IOf1sgCKlviju_AM (Basics of Accounting for Entrepreneurs)


    https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLg-LtUcDlT6-qJmZSHX5k_xLf7KR9WOZZ (Introduction to New Venture Finance)


    https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLg-LtUcDlT69CrhIZZ-35GVsSobZj4I1i (Introduction to Entrepreneurial Finance)


    https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLg-LtUcDlT6_op0blksqcuipfjoIutbcV (Incubators, Accelerators, and Crowdfunding)


    https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLg-LtUcDlT68kkzLmreRdvmqfGctpfAIx (Business Angels)


    https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLg-LtUcDlT68ZLHH1SOAxTVLcN-ZlX0lX (Introduction to the Basics of Venture Capital, Private Equity, and Corporate Venture Capital)


    https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLg-LtUcDlT6-610XxQPCxl7GCKd-gifvg (Introduction to Public Sources of Funding)


    I hope these are somewhat helpful.  I wanted to cover more material in the course, but this was enough for a 15 week semester, especially when you consider the corresponding activities. 


    Best Regards,




    R. Duncan M. Pelly, Ph.D.

    Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship

    Director of International Programs
    Director of the Center for Free Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
    Director of International Business Programs
    McMurry University
    1400 Sayles Blvd
    Abilene, TX 79697


  • 5.  RE: Venture Finance Help

    Posted 06-17-2021 17:32

    Hi Matt,


    Check out the textbook written by my colleague Denise Lee "Entrepreneurial Finance: A Practical Approach" (2020): https://chicagobusinesspress.com/book/leeentfin.


    Denise is a CPA, a founder of 6 companies, and a 10-year+ instructor of entrepreneurship, that is why she looks at the process of starting a business holistically: from pre-launch, launch, operation, and exit/sale. Additionally, she discusses the processes of succession planning and wealth management.


    The textbook also includes complete examples of pro forma financial statements and business valuations framed as problems for students to solve; an instructor manual, lecture slides and test banks.


    For an example syllabus, feel free to contact Denise directly (dlee68@kent.edu).




    Tatiana R. Stettler
    Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship

    College of Business Administration


    Kent State University
    Kent, Ohio 44242-0001