ENT Nation-
I have drawn the short straw and am working to revise our Venture Finance course in our ENT Major. We know it is time for a change, and I know there are much better venture finance instructors than myself.
Calling on all Venture Finance Jedi-will you please share your best practices with me?
Past Approach
Our past approach has been primarily taught from an Accounting perspective and the majority of the content focused on building proforma financial statements-mostly from scratch.
Thoughts on a New Approach
We think we need a greater focus on how financial scenarios affect decision making (i.e. impacts of different business models and milestones on valuations), term sheets, and a faster approach to financial modeling using both debt and equity (proformas).
I should also share this is an Undergraduate ENT course that takes place the Senior year.
Please email me at mrmarvel@bsu.edu.
Syllabi and supporting materials are much appreciated!
Thank you-
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Matt Marvel, Ph.D.
The George A. Ball Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship
Ball State University
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