Please join us for the 2021 Entrepreneurship Division Early Career Development Consortium (ECDC) during the virtual Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. This consortium is specifically designed to meet the needs of scholars who are early in their career such as tenure-track assistant professors and ABD's.
We are adopting an intimate and interactive online format (small group discussions, personalized Q&A, etc.). Leading entrepreneurship scholars will provide practical advice to help early-stage academics manage the pre-tenure phase of their career. Specific topics include: building a successful research pipeline, navigating the publication process, and developing a reputation within a given field. Comments from participants regarding the 2020 ECDC virtual consortium include:
"It was very well organized, sparked and discussed interesting questions, and even allowed networking-and all of that in an online setting! Amazing!"
"The activities and dialogue were beyond meaningful."
"Huge thanks for organizing such a fantastic consortium, it exceeded all my expectations. For me, this was one of the most important and useful meetups."
This year's mentors include: Stephanie Fernhaber (Butler University), Greg Fisher (Indiana University), Alex McKelvie (Syracuse University), Rob Nason (Concordia University), Maija Renko (DePaul University), Ute Stephan (King's College London), Siri Terjesen (Florida Atlantic University), Trent Williams (Indiana University), and Matt Wood (Baylor University).
The consortium is chaired by Rob Mitchell (Colorado State University) and Jean Clarke (Emlyon).
Applications are currently being accepted for the 2021 AOM Entrepreneurship Early Career Consortium. To apply, send the following items as email attachments to Rob Mitchell ( with "ECDC" in the subject line.
- A short (3-5 sentences) biographical sketch, which we can distribute to all participants.
- A brief statement (3-5 sentences) of your research and teaching interests.
- A current CV.
Deadline extended to June 15, 2021.
Thank you!
Rob Mitchell and Jean Clarke
Entrepreneurship ECDC Chairs