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Mentor Award Nominations Due May 16, 2021

  • 1.  Mentor Award Nominations Due May 16, 2021

    Posted 04-26-2021 17:09

    DUE: May 16, 2021

    Dear Colleagues:

    Most of us have experienced an amazing mentor (or several) throughout the years and this is a chance to recognize these people!  Nominations are being accepted for the Entrepreneurship Division's 2021 Mentor Award. Given to an individual who has provided exceptional mentoring of entrepreneurship scholars, this award recognizes exceptional mentoring activities at all educational levels in the field of entrepreneurship. The field of entrepreneurship includes, but is not limited to, the areas of individual entrepreneurship, new venture formation, small business management, family business, and corporate entrepreneurship.

    The nomination process and selection criteria are provided below. Please consider submitting a nomination for the Mentor Award. The deadline for receiving applications is May 16, 2021.

    In order of importance, the Award seeks to honor:
    i. Mentoring in Doctoral or Post-Doctoral Education in Entrepreneurship
    Given the lack of full-time Ph.D. programs in the field, the future development and growth of the field is exceedingly dependent on the ad hoc efforts of interested graduate educators. Such individuals help identify promising doctoral students and post-doctoral candidates, interest them in the field, nurture their development in research and professional roles, and provide moral, social, and intellectual support to new entrants to the field in the early stages of their careers.

    ii. Mentoring Activities in MBA and Undergraduate Education in Entrepreneurship
    Although the principal purpose of the Award is to honor doctoral and post-doctoral mentoring activities, not every potential mentor has the opportunity to do this. Therefore, individuals with truly exceptional records mentoring MBA, undergraduate, or other non-doctoral entrants to the field over sustained periods may also be considered as candidates for the Award.

    Candidates for the Award will be evaluated according to the relative degree to which they have, throughout their careers, engaged in the mentoring activities described above. Primary consideration will be given to mentoring at the doctoral and post-doctoral levels. This Award is not meant to recognize research productivity, advocacy activities in the field, personal longevity in the field, or other non-mentoring types of service in professional organizations of the field.

    Nominations for the award will be reviewed in accordance with the above criteria by a special committee convened by the Chair of the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management. Winners will be announced in late June (or early July) and will be presented with a plaque in August (or mailed a plaque if online meeting) at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management. As in all award categories, the Division reserves the right to not confer an award if adjudicators determine that no award is warranted in a given year. Typically, we recognize one winner per year. Nominations received in a given year that do not result in an award will automatically be considered for an award during the following year's review cycle as well. However, nominations that do not result in an award for two consecutive years must be re-nominated to be considered further. Such re-nominations are welcome, provided they are accompanied by up-to-date documentation.

    To nominate an individual for the Mentor Award, a complete packet of supporting documentation should be submitted to Dawn R. DeTienne dawn.detienne@colostate.edu no later than Sunday, May 16, 2021. The complete packet must include:
    1. A letter of nomination that identifies the candidate, the individual(s) making the nomination, and lists the supporting documentation included.
    2. A copy of the candidate's Curriculum Vita.
    3. A detailed listing of the mentoring activities at the doctoral and post-doctoral level (or an explicit statement that such activities do not exist).
    4. A detailed listing of the mentoring activities at the MBA or undergraduate level (or an explicit statement that such activities do not exist.
    5. Letters of support from individuals who can describe the nature of the mentoring received from the candidate. These are essential and weigh heavily.

    Whether or not the packet materials are obtained directly from the candidate, it is the responsibility of the person(s) writing the nomination letter to ensure that the nomination package is complete.

    Lowell Busenitz
    Howard Aldrich
    David Audretsch
    Candida Brush
    Arnold Cooper
    Jeff Covin
    Per Davidsson
    Marc Gruber
    Frank Hoy
    Charles Hofer
    Jerome A. Katz
    Don Kuratko
    Tom Lumpkin
    Ian MacMillan
    Sophie Manigart
    Charles H. Matthews
    Dale Meyer
    Harry Sapienza
    Dean Shepherd
    Howard Stevenson
    Johan Wiklund
    Mike Wright
    Max Wortman
    Andrew Zacharakis
    Shaker Zahra


    Dawn R. DeTienne, ENT Past Division Chair

    Dawn DeTienne
    Colorado State University
    Fort Collins CO
    (970) 631-5930