
  • Call for Reviewers – AOM 2022

    (posted on behalf of @Jon Carr Program Chair) 

    Hello Division members! As you know - our 2022 Academy of Management Annual Meeting is scheduled to be held
    on 5-9th August in Seattle, Washington. The meeting will consist of several different delivery formats. We are extremely excited to finally get a chance to get together as a research community! 

    One of the key needs we have is the participation of our membership in creating the program. Your service as a reviewer, discussant, and session chair helps us create a strong, engaging, and impactful conference program.  

    Therefore - Please consider signing up as a reviewer at the following link! (LINK HERE). 
    We strongly need your help and participation to provide constructive feedback to our paper authors. We ask that you sign up as soon as you can, so that we can begin the process of preparing a scholarly program we can all be proud of.
    Once again - We are so grateful for your willingness to help the Division! As one of the largest Divisions in the Academy of Management, we continue to expand our efforts to offer you value for your continued membership. If you have any difficulties in signing up as a reviewer, please contact us as soon as possible.
    Thanks again - and I am looking forward to seeing you all (whether in person or online) real soon in Seattle!