
  • Entrepreneurship Division Election Results

    (posted on behalf of @April Franco, Past Division Chair)

    Dear Colleagues,

    I’m pleased to announce the winners of the 2024 ENT Division Election:

    PDW Chair (first step on the five-year leadership ladder, starting Fall 2024): 

    • Trent Williams (BYU Marriot School of Business)

    Treasurer (three-year term starting Fall 2024):

    • Sharon Simmons (Jackson State University)

    Representatives at Large (three-year term starting Fall 2024):

    • Thomas Houston Allison (Texas Christian University)
    • Audra Grace Quinn (University of Southern California)

    This year, our participation rate was 22%, which is the same as the overall AOM participation rate and significantly higher than the past two years. 

    Thanks to all the candidates for their willingness to serve the Division, and to all who voted for their participation.  

    We appreciate the support of our members to help grow entrepreneurship scholars!

  • Entrepreneurship Division Proposed Ballot

    (posted on behalf of @April Franco, Past Division Chair) 

    As you may be aware, this year, we are posting the proposed ballot to give the membership time to add candidates. This year, the nomination committee has been working quite hard to find excellent candidates, and are pleased to be able to present a strong ballot. The ENT Division leadership is giving the membership another opportunity to add a candidate to the ballot. Members will have 14 days to review the ballot and suggest any additions. 

    Just to provide some background on the process, all the candidates on the ballot have been provided with documents that describe the expectations for the nominated role.  Each nominee was asked to confirm that they are willing to take on the responsibilities of the role.  For instance, all roles include an expectation that the individual to attend the Mid-winter Meetings and the Annual meetings since these are when the Executive Committee meets to review, and organize, as well as strategize for the future.  In addition, all candidates are expected to be aware of, uphold and promote the AOM Code of Ethics (, and adhere to its enforced ethical standards and the importance of promoting and supporting it in the elected position.  As you may note, none of the candidates are Ph.D. students or candidates, and only more established faculty members are candidates for either the PDW Chair or the Treasurer position. This is because these roles can be quite demanding.  Those who were nominated but not included on the ballot were given the opportunity to support the Division in other ways.  

    In order to add a candidate to the proposed list, it must be supported by at least 1% of the membership, which is currently 35 members in good standing (i.e. are up-to-date in membership fees and have selected ENT as one of the divisions). Since we would like to run the elections in as close to the usual timeline as possible, we ask that the proposed candidate be one of the 35 members who supports adding their name to the ballot, and provides the committee with a 150 word bio and a photo (JPG format). 

    The process to add a candidate is relatively easy. Just go to and fill out the form. Remember that you need at least 34 other ENT members to support this addition and one of the supporters must be the candidate themselves. The survey will be available until the end of the day on Tuesday, April 16, 2024.

    Proposed ENT Division 2024 Ballot:

    There are four positions on the ballot this year, PDW Chair (5 year term), Treasurer (3 year term), and two Representatives at Large (3 year term).

    Please note that the order of the names may change as the committee will randomize the order once the ballot is FINALIZED.

    PDW Chair:

    Sofia Johan (Associate Professor, Florida Atlantic University)

    Trent Williams (Associate Professor, BYU-Marriott School of Business)


    Markus Fitza (Associate Professor, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management)

    Peter Gianiodis (Professor, Duquesne University)

    Sharon Simmons (Associate Professor, Jackson State University)

    Representative at Large:

    Position 1: (Associate or Full Professors)

    Matt Allen (Professor, Manchester Metropolitan University)

    Tom Allison (Associate Professor, TCU Neeley School of Business)

    Felix Arndt (Professor, University of Guelph Lang School of Business and Economics)

    Punit Arora (Associate Professor, City University of New York)

    Naga Lakshmi Damaraju (Associate Professor, Sonoma State University)

    Indu Khurana (Associate Professor, Hampden-Sydney College)

    Position 2: (Assistant Professors)

    Jeff Gish (Assistant Professor, University of Central Florida)

    Christian Keen (Assistant Professor, Université Laval)

    Mike Lerman (Assistant Professor, Iowa State University Ivy College of Business)

    Tim Michaelis (Assistant Professor, Northern Illinois University College of Business)

    Audra Quinn (Assistant Professor, University of Southern California Marshall School of Business)

  • Call for Professional Development Workshops

    (posted on behalf of @Christina Theodoraki, PDW Chair)

    Professional Development Workshops (PDWs) are among the most rewarding, stimulating, and enjoyable sessions of the Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting. The Entrepreneurship Division invites creative and innovative proposals for interactive PDW sessions for the 2024 AOM Conference in Chicago (Illinois). We are looking for interesting, engaging, and creative PDW’s on Research (topics and methods), Teaching, and Practice to Scholarship and back. We encourage you to include in the abstract information about the PDW itself, as well as also explain why other Divisions would want to cross-list it. 
    Given its mission, “We Grow Entrepreneurial Scholars” the ENT Division favors proposals that give participants at all career stages the opportunity to learn new skills, share ideas, help other scholars, have new experiences, and build connections. PDWs are meant as complements, not substitutes, for the regular AOM program. They should NOT cover conventional themes and topics or be structured as traditional paper or panel sessions. Rather, PDWs should be innovative in content and structure, exploring issues and encouraging interactions not usually featured in the main program.  PDW sessions are typically structured as workshops, breakout sessions, tutorials, discussion panels, research incubators, or other interactive formats. PDWs should be thought provoking but also the place to safely present and explore new ideas, by linking different views and creating new research opportunities. Through the exchange of ideas and collaboration across different fields and disciplines, we can develop new avenues for research. We welcome submissions featuring innovative topics or themes, new forms of exchange, and experimental formats—for example, sessions that use technology in novel ways, create interactions among participants before or after the session, and engage participants in new ways.  
    Proposals should interest members of the Entrepreneurship Division, or fit its domain, which includes not  only  the  phenomena  of  self-employment,  small-business  management,  family  business,  new-venture formation, innovation, and firm growth but also more general ideas about the recognition, analysis,  and  exploitation  of  entrepreneurial  opportunities;  the  nature  of  novelty,  creativity,  and innovativeness; and how individuals and groups exercise judgment under uncertainty. Sessions with standard paper presentations are more appropriate for traditional symposia.  
    However, the most effective PDWs encourage interaction among individuals and groups which do not typically participate in the same sessions, workshops, and activities: not only within the Entrepreneurship Division (e.g., between junior and senior scholars, between academics and practitioners, among scholars from different countries, among academics following different career paths, and so on), but also across the divisional lines of the Academy. Hence you are encouraged to work with colleagues within and outside the Division and submit appropriate PDW proposals which have broad appeal to the Academy membership at-large. While not required, submitters are encouraged to consider the overall AOM 2024 conference theme, “Innovating for the Future” when developing their proposals. PDWs are also focused on fostering and connecting communities by creating bridges between distinct publics that may not have interacted before. Through PDWs, it is possible to create a space where previously disconnected communities can come together, share their knowledge and expertise, build new relationships and ultimately contributing to the growth and development of the field of entrepreneurship. 

    Proposals will be evaluated based on (a) expected substantive and networking benefit for participants, (b) plans for creating an interactive and engaging session, (c) breadth of interest of the session for individuals and groups within the Division and the broader Academy, (d) novelty of the topic or the forum for the exchanges, (e) the effective use of program time, and (f) fit with the conference theme. We encourage proposals that explicitly address these six criteria. Proposals that are a simple repeat – without new innovative content beyond what has already been covered – from previous years will not be considered favorably. Proposals will be evaluated on their ability to draw an audience from the specific discipline or across AOM, as well as its innovativeness and potential impact on the professional success of participants. 
    As PDWs are intended for professional development, proposals should explain how their session will foster interaction and personal development among participants as well as the audience they will aim to attract. In order to allow interaction, PDWs are typically at least two hours long, though sessions may be as short as 1.5 hours but must a minimum of 1-hour in duration. 
    Further, all submissions are limited to no more than 8 pages but must have at least 4 pages.  
    The title page must include the Academy submission system-assigned 5-digit submission number, title of the workshop (in Title Case), name of primary sponsor, and a list of other sponsors who might be interested in the workshop as well as an abstract (250 word maximum), one page explanation as why the workshop should be of interest to the ENT division, one page description of the PDW format, 1-3 page overview of the workshop. The page format requirements for all submissions are as follows: Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced, 1-inch (2.5cm) margin all around, and 8.5" x 11" page setting. The entire submission must be contained in ONE document and must be either .pdf, .doc, .docx, or .rtf format. Please note that if any of the above guidelines 
    and formatting requirements are not met, the submission will not be reviewed.  
    Before submitting a PDW proposal, consider the following questions:  
    •  Does the workshop offer a high quality and high level learning experience that has a significant positive impact on the professional development of the participants? 
    •  Does the workshop provide participants with a clear takeaway? (E.g. learn a new skill; develop a new research plan) 
    •  Does the workshop have a theme and a group of participants to draw a strong audience regardless of competing sessions or scheduling restrictions? 
    •  Does the workshop encourage multi-way conversation and interaction among participants from
    multiple divisions, disciplines, regions, career stages, or demographic backgrounds? 
    •  Is the workshop creative and innovative in all of its elements? 
    William L. Dougan of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater has provided an additional resource in the form of A Guide for Creating and Managing a Good Professional Development Workshop
    Proposals should be submitted to the 2024 AoM Annual Meeting Submission Center, which is available at the website beginning in early December of 2023. Early submissions and expressions of interest are encouraged.  

    The deadline for submissions is January 9, 2024, at 5PM ET (NY Time). The PDW program runs from Friday through Sunday (August 9-11, 2024).  
    All named PDW participants must commit to participation in advance. All proposals require a statement indicating that all named participants have consented to participate in the PDW. The AOM’s “Rule of Three” for the PDW program is that “no one may submit or be associated with more than 3 PDW submissions; or appear in more than 3 PDW sessions during the preconference from Friday to Saturday, regardless of whether the sessions are held on-site or off-site.”  
    If you have questions or would like to discuss a potential workshop idea, please contact the Entrepreneurship Division’s PDW Chair, Christina Theodoraki at To ensure sufficient time to develop your proposal, please forward your general inquiries before December 15, 2023.  
    See you in Chicago! 


  • 2024 Division Scholarly Program: Call for Submissions

    (posted on behalf of @Vishal Gupta, Program Chair)

    The Entrepreneurship Division now invites paper and symposium proposals for the 2024 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 9th-13th 2024, in Chicago (Illinois). Proposals should fit the domain of the Entrepreneurship Division, which includes not only the phenomena of self-employment, new-venture formation and financing, small-business management, family business, innovation, and firm growth, but also more general ideas about the recognition, analysis, and exploitation of perceived entrepreneurial opportunities. Additionally, the nature of novelty, creativity, and innovativeness among individuals and organizations, and how people and groups exercise judgment under uncertainty and in a variety of enterprising contexts, will be considered. 
    This year's conference theme is "Innovating for the Future". The future state of the organization is of perennial concern to management scholars and managers themselves. Political unrest, economic volatility, inequality, rapid technological change, environmental erosion, health crises, and pronounced societal issues across the globe continue to challenge traditional approaches to governing the organization. The 2024 theme calls for our community to the importance of innovation and policy-making (at macro, meta, and micro levels) in shaping organizations in pursuit of sustainable growth. As members of the Entrepreneurship Division, we are in a privileged position to produce both rigorous and practically relevant research that might allow entrepreneurs, managers, policy makers and other stakeholders to more effectively and collaboratively meet the challenges presented. Thus, we invite members of the Entrepreneurship Division to offer further insight and join in the discussions around this critical theme, though proposals on any topic related to entrepreneurship are welcome.
    Paper and symposium proposals are due Tuesday, 9 January 2024 at 17:00 ET (GMT-5/UTC-5). The 2024 AOM Annual Meeting Submission Center will be available in the beginning of December 2023. Early submissions are encouraged.
    Thank you
    We continue to thank all of our members and colleagues who have submitted, reviewed and volunteered in this and previous years. You have helped make the ENT division collegiate, inclusive, and welcoming and a special place to be for all.
    Reviewers needed
    We strongly encourage all who are submitting to the Entrepreneurship Division to support us by volunteering to review for the Entrepreneurship Division. The Division needs at least 1,500 reviewers. Your help in supporting our community with this task and helping its growth and development is greatly appreciated. The reviewer sign-up system opens early December 2023.
    Division Awards
    The Entrepreneurship Division recognizes several best paper awards and best dissertation awards as part the meeting program.
    Submission Process
    All submissions must be made through the AOM submission website. Please review all submission guidelines and formatting instructions carefully before submitting. If any guidelines or formatting instructions are not met, the submission cannot be sent for review. Please direct any questions to Vishal Gupta
    See you in Chicago!