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Practitioner's corner—A Professor's Story, How One Moment Can Impact Your Life


(posted on behalf of @Paul Sanchez Ruiz)

This is around my 5th academic year, following nearly 10 years in business. During my life's journey, I have successfully launched three startups, worked for the Environmental Protection Agency for the Federal Government in Mexico, been an Assistant Professor at multiple Universities, and been awarded for best dissertation in 2018 and 2019 at Oklahoma State University. I have obtained my MBA in Finance, my Master's in Entrepreneurship, and obtained my Ph.D. in Entrepreneurship. As a new assistant professor at Ivy College of Business, I am glad to share my story of how one moment can impact your life.
Currently, I am an Assistant Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship. My expertise includes a strategy focusing on the psychological and behavioral predictors of entrepreneurial outcomes, family business dynamics, and entrepreneurship in developing and traditional economies. I never thought I would see myself as an assistant professor or thought about obtaining my Ph.D. Growing up, I was told that you try to make your way by being a business owner. My wife and myself were both successful entrepreneurs in Mexico selling handbags and purses. We hoped to sell bags that empowered women. We had many wonderful regular customers, and everything was going smoothly. Our company had routines for everything we did, and each day felt like it was flowing well. This was until one day, my whole entire life changed.
Most business owners and entrepreneurs fear the idea of criminals. Although it is hard to think that people can do such terrible things, if a criminal sees an opportunity, they will seize it. After one late night, my wife and I were closing the shop, two men walked into our shop and immediately pulled out guns. They grabbed everything they saw, including laptops, cell phones, money, and inventory. After that night, we instantly tried to find ways to make our shop safer. We installed cameras, added bars to the windows, and even changed our daily routines. However, due to the lack of trust and fear, we decided to eventually shut the business down. 
After we successfully sold the business we cared so much about, my wife urged me to apply for my Ph.D. I caved in but was very resistant to the idea. I originally did not see the point. As time progressed, I altered my viewpoints and enjoyed what I was learning. I began to see some light at the end of the tunnel. It was also a challenging journey because, as English being my second language, it took me double time and effort in almost everything. Everything started to change for me. I was awarded the best dissertation in 2018 and 2019. This was a huge accomplishment and helped me realize that all the hard work and dedication to the program was not going unnoticed. I began to appreciate my wife more for pushing me to continue my education. 
Over the years, as I have stepped into my new role, I have enjoyed influencing what students know and how they think. I have found a lot of enjoyment in being a professor at both DePaul University and Iowa State University. I enjoy seeing students think more entrepreneurially and take advantage of the opportunities that are available to them. I am glad I get to educate them and guide them in the right direction. I am glad that my experiences have shaped me to be a better professor for them. 
Some of my students have shared that the courses I have taught them were some of their favorites to think back on. They have also mentioned how I have offered engaging courses that have helped them learn, especially learning from my experiences. These are all things that make me feel glad and overjoyed that even if such an unfortunate event may have occurred, it still has impacted my life in a way that can positively impact others. Teaching is now very important to me and knowing that I am positively impacting students makes it a lot more worthwhile. 
Overall, if the incident that truly impacted my life had never occurred, who knows what life could look like now? I may have never obtained the degrees and the awards that I now have. I may not have been able to touch the lives of the students I have been able to teach. All I know is that everything happens for a reason, and I am proud to be able to share my story and how one unfortunate event can impact one person's life in such a life-changing way. I am glad that I took the opportunity on my Ph.D. and that I get to impact the lives of others every day. Therefore, I am glad to be able to share my story about how one moment has impacted my life.
Paul Sanchez- Ruiz, Ph.D., is a Management and Entrepreneurship professor at Iowa State University. He teaches Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship. His research interests include entrepreneurial leaders, entrepreneurship in emerging economies, and families in the ownership and management of business. His research has been published in top-tier journals. Sanchez-Ruiz has successfully launched and managed three startups outside of academic life. He was also awarded best dissertation in 2018 & 2019. 
