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Workshop on Directing Early Stage Research in Responsible Management - 30 November - 1 December 2023 in Bolzano, Italy

  • 1.  Workshop on Directing Early Stage Research in Responsible Management - 30 November - 1 December 2023 in Bolzano, Italy

    Posted 09-10-2023 16:20
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    Workshop on Directing Early Stage Research in Responsible Management

    30 November - 1 December 2023

    Free University of Bozen-Bolzano in collaboration with University of Trento


    The two-day workshop is a follow-up of a similar event organized to discuss different possibilities for carrying out empirical research in international business, which took place in early March 2023.

    It takes as its thematic focus responsible management, a topic that also characterizes the new joint Ph.D.  program in Management of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and the University of Trento. Responsible management takes particular account of sustainability targets and ESG criteria in the pursuit of economic goals and productivity gains. In recent years, management research in all its subfields has increasingly devoted itself to this topic and gained important insights.

    With respect to this workshop we are primarily interested in empirical research at different stages of development beyond pure essays, literature reviews, conceptual papers, and descriptive reports.

    The workshop aims to further develop early-stage research ideas in prominent management fields such as Entrepreneurship, Governance, Human Resources, International Business, Strategic Management or Supply Chain Management in a joint discourse with senior faculty and peer researchers in order to increase their chances of publication in peer-reviewed journals.

    Planned course of the workshop:

    During the first day, a number of seminars from experienced scholars and editors will delve into key topics of responsible management research, including methods, impact, integrity, and the use of different existing data sets. A special focus will be placed on discussing how datasets may be valuable for Ph.D. students and young researchers without excluding researchers at more advanced stages of their careers. In addition, an introduction to the use of artificial intelligence tools in literature search and selection of empirical studies for the literature review is offered. It will be followed by brief introductions of the selected research ideas (objectives/research questions, theory, methodology, data basis, ...).

    The second day is basically organized as a paper development workshop, during which ideas for empirical papers targeting responsible management in different management domains will be discussed and developed further. The workshop is mentored by experienced researchers and editorial board members of potential outlets of such studies. At the end of the workshops, participants will receive a certificate. Yet, the main benefits of applying and participating in the workshop are multiple learning opportunities, an early proof-of-concept, and an expanded research network.

    Submission of project/paper proposal:

    Each participant should submit an individual or team proposal for a research project or paper.  The proposal can be an almost finished paper, but also elaborated project ideas starting from extended abstracts (1,500 words) are welcomed.

    Submission deadline:

    We accept submissions via email (RMworkshop@unibz.it) from September until 15 October 2023. The authors of accepted research studies will be notified by end of October 2023. In case you have to plan your travel quite in advance you may request an early conditional acceptance.

    Participation fee:

    120€ (including workshop materials, coffee breaks during the event, dinner on November 30th, and light lunch on December 1st)

    The workshop is limited to 20 participants (research proposals).

    Organizers and mentors of the paper development workshop:

    Andrea Caputo (University of Trento; andrea.caputo@unitn.it) Organizer and program committee.

    Editor-in-Chief of Strategic Change, Co-Editor-in-Chief Journal of Enterprising Communities, Associate Editor of Management Decision, Journal of Management & Organization, BRQ Business Research Quarterly, and Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility

    Christoph Grimpe (Copenhagen Business School)

    Editorial Review Board and Editor-in-Chief Emeriti of Industry and Innovation, editorial review board member of Journal of Product Innovation Management

    Marjaana Gunkel  (University of Bozen-Bolzano; marjaana.gunkel@unibz.it) Organizer and program committee.

    Member of the editorial boards of European Journal of International Management, German Journal of Human Resource Management, Review of Managerial Science

    Michael Nippa  (University of Bozen-Bolzano; michael.nippa@unibz.it) Organizer and program committee.

    Member of the editorial review board of Academy of Management Perspective

    Erica Santini (University of Trento; erica.santini@unitn.it) Organizer and program committee.

    Member of the editorial review board of Journal of Enterprising Communities

    Christopher Schlägel  (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg)

    Member of the editorial review board of Journal of International Business Studies

    Further information will be soon available on https://next.unibz.it/en/events/142882. In case you are seeking specific information and advice regarding a possible submission please do not hesitate to contact any of the aformentioned organizers.

    The workshop is supported by the European Journal of International Management, Strategic Change, and the Journal of Enterprising Communities

    The workshop organizers are pleased to announce that Wiley, the publisher of Strategic Change, has sponsored an award worth 250 £ for the best research projects.

    Andrea Caputo
    Associate Professor
    University of Trento & University of Lincoln
