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Upcoming PhD Application Webinars in November

  • 1.  Upcoming PhD Application Webinars in November

    Posted 09-27-2023 09:27

    Hi members of the ENT division!

    I wanted to pass along some information that you I hope you will share with potential PhD candidates. This past year Jennifer Nahrgang (Iowa, OBHR), Michael Withers (Texas A&M, STR) and I (BYU-Marriott, ENT) helped organize the first Pre-PhD consortium at AOM in Boston. It was a great start to something we hope to continue building. Drawing on that success, we will be holding several online workshops that may be of interest to individuals considering a PhD in management and its various sub-disciplines. We hope you might consider passing this along to students at your schools and/or sharing this with your connections on LinkedIn. Our goal is to help find and develop PhD candidates across multiple disciplines to continue growing and developing our profession. Please see the formal announcement below. Thank you!

    Trent Williams | BYU-Marriott


    Future Management Professor: How to Succeed in the PhD Admissions Process

    Individuals currently applying to PhD programs at high-research activity universities in the United States will benefit from this series of webinars taking place in November 2023. The purpose of these webinars is to provide advice and information on how to navigate the PhD Admissions process, with a specific emphasis on: 

    1) The Keys to a Successful Application – November 1

    2) Defining Your Research Interests – November 9

    3) Finding Your Fit with PhD Programs – November 14

    For more information or to register for the webinars, go to: https://futuremanagementprof.my.canva.site/  

    Over 30 faculty and PhD students from high-research active universities will be participating including: Arizona State University, University of Arizona, BYU-Marriott, University at Buffalo, University of Central Florida, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Georgia, Iowa State University, University of Iowa, University of Kansas, Michigan State University, University of Massachusetts Amherst, University of Miami, University of Michigan, University of Minnesota, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University of Nevada-Reno, University of Notre Dame, Oklahoma State University, Penn State University, Purdue University, Rutgers University, Texas A&M University, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, University of Utah, University of Virginia, Virginia Tech University, University of Washington. 

    Questions? Contact Jennifer Nahrgang at jennifer-nahrgang@uiowa.edu   

    Trenton Williams
    Associate Professor
    BYU Marriott School of Business
    Provo UT