This season is a bit different than usual (thanks to AOM, job market, beginning of the year excitement), so we're going Netflix style! Listen to the full batch of Season 5 at once, and we'll be back to monthly programing for Season 6 in December.
This season is all about teaching! Ashley, Joshua, and Alex interview three different faculty members with different experiences with teaching to get the best tips, resource suggestions, and advice on teaching. Listen now to hear from:
- Episode 1: TMI about Teaching with @Deepak Hegde (2022 AOM ENT Division Pedogogy Award winner)
- Episode 2: TMI about Working at a Teaching School with @Nick Mmbaga
- Episode 3: TMI about Moving from a Teaching School to a Research School with @Melissa Cardon
Listen now on Spotify and Apple Podcasts!
TMI is a "for the students" podcast hosted by the AOM Entrepreneurship Division, where students are able to ask questions and get to know faculty and others in the field.
Be sure to follow the AOM ENT Division on their social accounts and send your questions for guests, comments, or guest suggestions to our email: tmientpod@gmail.com
ENT Division Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/entdivaom/
ENT Division Twitter - https://twitter.com/ENTDivAOM
ENT Division LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4289160/
ENT Division YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW1hLti5A9cUzbmHHRVAwPA
Ashley Roccapriore
University of Tennessee
Knoxville TN