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Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal PDW, submit proposals by Feb. 23, 2024

  • 1.  Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal PDW, submit proposals by Feb. 23, 2024

    Posted 02-19-2024 20:47
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    The Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal (SEJ) will offer a paper development workshop (PDW) on Saturday, April 20, 2024. Prospective participants are invited to submit their proposals to rieengagement@sfsu.edu with the subject "SEJ PDW" by February 23, 2024. The workshop will be led by Riitta Katila (Stanford), Yong Li (UNLV) and David Sirmon (University of Washington).

    The goal of the PDW is to provide scholars with developmental feedback on their current research projects in entrepreneurship and innovation and to help them position their manuscripts for possible submission to the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.

    Each participant may submit only one proposal to the PDW. The research project submitted for consideration must not have been published. Please include in a single PDF file (1) a cover letter with all authors' names, e-mails, and affiliations, as well as research question, intended contribution, and the status of the proposal (completed manuscript, preliminary findings, et al.); (2) the research proposal (no more than 10 pages, double-spaced, excluding tables, figures, and references); and (3) the Curriculum Vitae of the author(s) planning to attend the workshop. Authors will be notified about the status of their submissions by March 8th, 2024.

    The PDW will be part of the Annual Responsible Innovation and Entrepreneurship (RI&E) conference at the Lam Family College of Business in San Francisco to be held on April 19th-20th, 2024. The PDW on April 20th will be free for participants with accepted research proposals. Those interested in the conference on April 19th may register through this link (to be finalized soon). Coffee, pastries, lunch, and a reception will be included as part of the registration. Participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation costs (Please see here for suggested hotels). For questions about the event, please contact the organizers Chenwei Li (cwli@sfsu.edu) or Minu Kumar (mkumar@sfsu.edu).

    Yong Li