STR Virtual Symposium: Strategic Management of Knowledge and Innovation
Time: February 22, 2023, noon to 1:30pm (ET)
Registration link:
You are invited to join a virtual research symposium that will feature cutting-edge research about how knowledge and innovation strategies at the individual, platform, industry, and regional levels interact with firm-level strategic management. Although strategy research primarily seeks to understand firm heterogeneity, many scholars focus on other levels of analysis for shedding light on firm-level dynamics. Each panelist will reflect on a) what we know about innovation at the respective level of analysis, b) how existing research about the respective level of analysis sheds light on strategic management questions at the firm-level, c) what research gaps exist to better make the link to firm-level strategic management issues. Panelists:Michaël Bikard, INSEAD Tobias Kretschmer, LMU MunichMahka Moeen, University of North CarolinaMyles Shaver, University of MinnesotaModerator:Elena Plaksenkova, Ohio State UniversityTo participate, please register at the link above.------------------------------
Elena Plaksenkova
Ohio State University (Fisher College of Business)