Applications are now being sought for participants in the 2022 Pre-Doctoral Consortium held at the Southern Management Association Conference.
The annual Pre-Doctoral Consortium hosted by the Southern Management Association (SMA), will be held at the Little Rock Marriott in Little Rock, AR on October 18-22, 2022 as part of the Annual Meeting. SMA hosts a Pre-Doctoral consortium to provide professional advice for those strongly considering attending a doctoral program in Management or a related field. The consortium will include nationally recognized scholars, coordinators of Ph.D. programs, and current students who will provide insight into key topics including the application process, expectations of doctoral students, student-doctoral program fit, and careers in academia.
In addition, opportunities for networking with current doctoral students, faculty, and PhD program directors are built into the program. SMA will provide breakfast and lunch on the day of the consortium as well. To provide more encouragement, SMA is awarding $500 stipends to help with travel expenses to up to 20 participants.
To apply, participants should use the link below and fill out the application form by June 15, 2022. As part of the application, participants will need to join the Southern Management Association (SMA). They will also need to upload a short letter of interest and a current CV or resume as well as provide contact information for a faculty reference. Application letters can be brief but should state why applicants want to attend the consortium and discuss how it will help them accomplish their career goals.
Please submit questions to Dr. Ben McLarty at Mississippi State University at
Benjamin McLarty
Mississippi State University
Mississippi State MS