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SBEJ Special Issue: Call for Papers on The antecedents and impact of sustainable entrepreneurship: an international perspective

  • 1.  SBEJ Special Issue: Call for Papers on The antecedents and impact of sustainable entrepreneurship: an international perspective

    Posted 11-18-2023 17:35
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    Special issue "The Antecedents and Impact of Sustainable Entrepreneurship" in Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal


    Editorial Team:

    • Jacob Hörisch (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg)
    • Iñaki Peña Legazkue (Deusto Business School)
    • Roy Thurik (Montpellier Business School)


    Full paper submission deadline: October 31st, 2024


    More info: https://www.springer.com/journal/11187/updates/26190190


    Download the call for papers here: https://resource-cms.springernature.com/springer-cms/rest/v1/content/26190194/data/v1


    Christina THEODORAKI
    Associate professor (HDR) | Entrepreneurship & Strategy | TBS
    Editor Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal

    Associate Editor Journal of Small Business Management

    Associate Editor Management & Prospective (Gestion 2000)

    PDW Chair ENT Division Academy of Management

    c.theodoraki@tbs-education.fr | +33 5 61 29 47 45 | www.tbs-education.fr

    Open special issues:

    Les écosystèmes entrepreneuriaux : du local au numérique, Revue Internationale PME, Soumission de papier complet: 31 jan. 2024

    Dubious, Destructive, or Decisive? Spotting, Avoiding, and Rehabilitating the Dark Sides of Entrepreneurship, Small Business Economics, Extended abstracts: Nov. 10, 2023; Full paper submission: Mar. 1, 2024

