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Recording Link for: Barney, Hart, Teece, Walt - Debate

  • 1.  Recording Link for: Barney, Hart, Teece, Walt - Debate

    Posted 06-02-2023 15:16

    Dear Colleagues;

    Here is the link for the recording of the debate:

    "The Firm in the Age of Inexorable Rivalry:

    A moderated discussion on the "Theory of the Firm."

    Debaters: Jay Barney, Oliver Hart, David Teece, Stephen Walt

    Cross Examiners: Asli Arikan, Luigi Zingales

    Event recording date: May 23, 2023

    Organizer and Moderator: Ilgaz Arikan

    Please enjoy:

    https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/youtu.be/331elAnMHNg__;!!HXCxUKc!14ddtxu5QVqpQio7bCvsxznQFjHWcsuEOu15fdsyqyISfGtutaV7fQGK2xnQbi9OwjvpOuPyxSABO74dPP47yw$. Click or tap if you trust this link." rel="noopener">https://youtu.be/331elAnMHNg

    Many thanks to the Academy of International Business (AIB) for their generous support and technical help with this event.


    Ilgaz Arikan