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PDW on Values and Entrepreneurship in the sustainable society in IU Berlin June 15-16

  • 1.  PDW on Values and Entrepreneurship in the sustainable society in IU Berlin June 15-16

    Posted 03-28-2023 09:44
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    We would like to invite you to participate at PDW on Values and Entrepreneurship in the sustainable society at Indiana University Europe Gateway, Gneisenaustraße 27, 10961 Berlin, Germany on 15-16 June 2023


    Conference Organizers:

    David Audretsch, Indiana University, United States, (daudretsch@indiana.edu)

    Antje Fiedler, University of Auckland, New Zealand (a.fiedler@auckland.ac.nz)

    Maksim Belitski, University of Reading, United Kingdom (m.belitski@reading.ac.uk)

    Madeleine Meurer, Jönköping International Business School, Sweden (madeleine.meurer@ju.se)




    Values for Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Values in the sustainable society

    David Audretsch, Indiana University Bloomington, USA

    We invite contributions from various research methods and techniques, interdisciplinary research at the intersection of entrepreneurship, and other disciplines, such as international business, economics, political science, sociology, entrepreneurship, management, and anthropology. We welcome qualitative, quantitative, and conceptual papers. While a wide range of papers submissions are invited, including conceptual, qualitative, and quantitative empirical work, we are looking for novel theoretical and practical contributions for entrepreneurship or small business research.


    Abstract submission: Authors interested in participating in the PDW should submit an extended abstract (600-800 words, excluding references, figures, and tables), outlying research question, hypothesis (if applicable), method, main findings, contribution by the 30th of April 2023 here: https://forms.gle/36ucA9F8QezjeqwY8, or email them to: a.fiedler@auckland.ac.nz.

    Contributions to the workshop will be considered for a special issue on deadline December 2023 on Values and Entrepreneurship in the sustainable society in Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal (SBEJ). 

    Participation in the PDW is not a prerequisite to submit to the special issue.

    See information attached

    Maksim Belitski
    University of Reading