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PDW at AOM on Entrepreneurship Education- Call for papers (Hybrid)

  • 1.  PDW at AOM on Entrepreneurship Education- Call for papers (Hybrid)

    Posted 07-01-2022 08:51
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    Dear all,

    At AOM annual conference 2022, we are organizing a paper development workshop titled as "Advances in Entrepreneurship Education: Refining Pedagogy by Incorporating the Emerging Perspectives" sponsored by Entrepreneurship (ENT), and Management Education and Development (MED) divisions (please find attached file). All interested scholars are welcome!  Please submit working papers or paper proposals by 5 July to receive feedback.   

    Session format and schedule: Hybrid Interactive: Seattle + Virtual, Zoom meeting style (with opportunity to participate both online and in-person) and is scheduled on August 6, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM (Seattle time) (UTC-7). 

    Description: There are emerging perspectives in entrepreneurship such as effectuation, improvisation, bricolage, design thinking, lean startup, and business models. Efforts have been dedicated in entrepreneurship education to develop multiple frameworks (e.g., business model canvas) based on these emerging perspectives. However, research on entrepreneurship education largely remained limited about how to reframe various aspects of entrepreneurship education (e.g., learning objectives, pedagogies, assessment tools) to better reflect the emerging perspectives in entrepreneurship education. This PDW is intended to extend research on entrepreneurship education with focus on emerging perspectives. All papers are invited on the topic of entrepreneurship education in general. Multiple perspectives related to future research initiatives, but also on managerial suggestions, policy agendas, and educational innovations are encouraged.

    Faculty mentors: The program will include a keynote speech by Alain Fayolle (University of Cagliari), and a diverse group of faculty mentors. Confirmed faculty mentors (In alphabetical order by last name): Imran M. Ilyas (Jyväskylä University), Charlotta Johnsson (Lund University), Juha Kansikas (Jyväskylä University), Wadid Lamine (University of Ottawa), Francisco Liñán (University of Seville), Michela Loi (University of Cagliari), Sarfraz A. Mian (State University of New York), Ikhlaq Sidhu (IE Business School; UC Berkeley), Yuliya Snihur (Toulouse Business School), Mari Suoranta (Jyväskylä University).

    Registration and submission of paper: Pre-registration is not required for this session. Interested scholars are welcome to drop in the day of workshop. Interested applicants should submit by 5 July: (1) full paper (25-30 pages) or paper proposal (4-5 pages). (2) brief overview outlining any questions or specific concerns they are hoping to receive feedback on. Submissions should be sent via e-mail to mimran@jyu.fi with subject heading "AOM PDW 2022 Entrepreneurship education". Each paper will be reviewed by two scholars and will be discussed on round table during the session. There are limited number of spots.

    Please feel free to contact organizers on (mimran@jyu.fi) for any further details and questions. We are looking forward to welcome all interested participants!

    Imran Ilyas
    Jyväskylä U. School of Business and Economics