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Org Science Workshop at Singapore Management University on November 8

  • 1.  Org Science Workshop at Singapore Management University on November 8

    Posted 09-25-2024 22:01
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    Organization Science will hold a workshop at Singapore Management University November 8, 2024, from 9:30am-5pm. The workshop will be led by Editor-in-Chief Lamar Pierce and Deputy Editor Gokhan Ertug, with Senior Editors Guoli Chen and Yanbo Wang as well other editorial and review board members. This workshop is geared toward early career researchers who are interested in publishing in Organization Science. We hope that the activities in this event will help participants understand more about the journal and the review process.

    The workshop will include presentations and Q&A sessions with editors of the journal, as well as feedback sessions/roundtable discussions. The presentations and the Q&A sessions will focus on matters about the journal in general (statistics, the review process, factors that help a manuscript get published in the journal, as well as common reasons for which papers are rejected and how these challenges can be anticipated or addressed). The roundtable discussions will be for the editors to provide feedback on the submitted documents. 

    For planning purposes, registration is required for all participants. The deadline to register is October 12, 2024. To participate, please fill out this Google Form and submit a 5-10 page document (including a title page, with author names and institutions) of the paper/idea you would like to receive feedback on.

    Submitting a document is not required to attend this event. But in the case of capacity constraints, priority will be given to applicants who have submitted a document (or are co-authors on a submitted document).

    See the attached document for the full announcement. Hope to see some of you soon!

    Lamar Pierce
    Organization Science


    SMUWorkshop.pdf   251 KB 1 version