BSPA Online Conference
May 2-3, 2024
The theme for this year's conference is: Technology & Society, and we have a star-studded line-up led by our conference chair, Anuj Shah (University of Chicago) and co-chairs, Michael Hallsworth (BIT) and Carolina Toth (BIT).
Highlights include:
• Fireside Chat: Better Government in the Digital Age (Jennifer Pahlka & Wendy De La Rosa)
• Keynote: Algorithms: The Next Frontier for Choice Architecture (Sendhil Mullainathan)
• Panel Discussions (Nicholas Chesterley, Irene González, Laura Smart, Beth Blauer, Ronnie Chatterji, Lindsay Moore, Piyush Tantia, Ruth Schmidt, Ravi Gurumurthy )
• Book Panel: How Technology Shapes Society (Jean Twenge, Sander van der Linden, Simon Johnson)
• Topic-focused Sessions (Tatiana Homonoff, Jeannie Annan, Elke Weber, Adam Waytz, Keith Chen, David Yeager)
…and many more lightning round speakers
Register by 11:59pm on Friday, March 1st to receive $25 off your registration.
Enter code: BSPA2024EARLYBIRD for the early bird discount.
Sim Sitkin
Michael W. Krzyzewski University Professor,
Professor of Management and Public Policy
Duke University
Durham, NC