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JoMSR Volume 2, Issue 3-4 is now published

  • 1.  JoMSR Volume 2, Issue 3-4 is now published

    Posted 11-24-2024 07:04

    Dear ENT Division colleagues,

    The final issue of Volume 2 (November, 2024) from the Journal of Management Scientific Reports is now available. This issue is dedicated to invited editorials from prominent strategy/entrepreneurship and micro scholars who offered their thoughts on the empirical research needed to advance theory on the following topics: global work, corporate purpose; voluntary employee turnover; value capture theory; governance of interorganizational relationships; and proactive personality and behavior.

    All articles are open access for six months: https://journals.sagepub.com/toc/MSR/current.

    We hope you find these articles helpful to producing your own empirical study to submit to JoMSR!

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    JoMSR cover


    Theory testing and replication studies in the global work domain

    B. Sebastian Reiche & Margaret A. Shaffer

    Corporate purpose research: Streams and promises

    Rodolphe Durand & Chang-Wa Huynh

    Evolutions and paths: Voluntary employee turnover theories in search of new empirical tests

    David G. Allen & Julie Hancock

    An empirical research agenda for value capture theory

    David Gaddis Ross

    Revisiting research on the governance of interorganizational relationships

    Jeffrey J. Reuer

    Proactive personality and behavior: Opportunities for refining theory and creating a more unified understanding

    J. Michael Crant & Nancy Chen

    Xavier Martin
    Tilburg University