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Industry and Innovation: Issue 30(5) is now out!

  • 1.  Industry and Innovation: Issue 30(5) is now out!

    Posted 06-05-2023 15:03

    Dear colleagues, 

    On behalf of Industry and Innovation, we would like to bring to your attention the fifth issue of the journal in 2023. This issue includes a great selection of articles showcasing the role of geography and location, highlighting the role of geography for (green) innovation diffusion, the impact of physical barriers on knowledge sharing, asset-seeking strategies of multinational firms, and how exporting can provide learning opportunities for firms.

    We hope you will enjoy the reading:


    Geography and the speed of green technology diffusion

    Sebastian LosackerJens Horbach & Ingo Liefner


    Economic complexity and the global asset-seeking strategies of Chinese multinationals

    Andrea Ascani & Paula Prenzel


    Doors and walls: physical barriers and knowledge sharing

    Agnieszka Nowinska & Torben Pedersen


    Learning by exporting for marketing innovation

    Elena GolovkoCindy Lopes-Bento & Wolfgang Sofka


    Best regards,

    Alessandra Perri and Vera Rocha

    Co-Editors-in-Chief, Industry and Innovation

    Vera Rocha
    Copenhagen Business School