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Final reminder - Call for Nominations: Associate Editors for the Journal of Business Venturing Insights

  • 1.  Final reminder - Call for Nominations: Associate Editors for the Journal of Business Venturing Insights

    Posted 09-28-2023 10:46

    Final reminder - Call for Nominations

    Associate Editors for the Journal of Business Venturing Insights

    Deadline for Nominations: 30th September 2023

    JBVI Insights has grown significantly in recent years, in the number of papers published (33 in 2017 to 67 in 2022), citation scores (2.0 in 2017 to 10.1 in 2023) and number of submissions (71 in 2017 to 413 in 2022). The numbers continue to grow.

    As part of our ongoing commitment to pioneering research in the field of entrepreneurship, JBV Insights is inviting nominations (including self-nominations) for the position of Associate Editor (x2). The individuals selected will officially assume the role on 01st December 2023. The term of office for this editorial position is three years.

    Aims and scope

    Journal of Business Venturing Insights publishes thought-provoking research, highlighting ideas at the forefront of current discussions of entrepreneurial phenomena. Such ideas might not yet meet the threshold for completeness, robustness, or theoretical explication, but they are extremely valuable as they can stimulate further necessary research.

    JBV Insights offers a platform for multiple disciplinary works and unconventional and silent scholarly voices. The journal is open to different disciplines and perspectives and thus welcomes papers that bring into entrepreneurship research ideas from within and beyond management scholarship, including the broader social and natural sciences. JBV Insights is also open to innovative methods and forms of theorizing. Through many of its initiatives, JBV Insights additionally aims to enhance the conversation among scholars and practitioners by offering a forum to disseminate novel and relevant entrepreneurship research rapidly.


    While the specific qualifications may vary, the general criteria for an Associate Editor of JBV Insights include:

    • ·       Substantial scholarly contributions to entrepreneurship or related fields, including publications in line with the aims and scope of JBV Insights.
    • ·       Demonstrated experience and an excellent reputation as a peer reviewer.
    • ·       Previous service on an editorial board or as an editor of a journal in a related field. Nominees do not need to be current members of JBV Insights' editorial team to be nominated.
    • ·       Commitment to diversity, inclusion, and equity, both in academia and practice.
    • ·       Ability to collaborate constructively with authors, reviewers, and JBV Insights' Board.
    • ·       A doctoral degree in a field related to entrepreneurship or management.

    We encourage nominations from individuals who value diversity in theoretical orientations and empirical contexts, and who are committed to broadening the scope and impact of entrepreneurship research.

    Please send all nomination materials to jbvinsights@gmail.com by 30th September 2023. Informal inquiries at pablo.munoz-roman@durham.ac.uk

    We look forward to your active participation in shaping the future of entrepreneurship research with JBV Insights.

    Best regards,

    Pablo Muñoz


    Journal of Business Venturing Insights

    Suwen Chen
    Media Editor of the Journal of Business Venturing Insights
    Post-doctoral Researcher
    ESADE Business School
    Barcelona, Spain