Dear All: A big THANK YOU to our wonderful ENT reviewers! We are making progress, one review at a time.
ENT Reviewing Statistics (Feb 9):
- Completed: 993 Reviews (32.45%) – THANK YOU!
- In-Process: 1012 Reviews (33.07%).
- !! NOT YET OPENED !!: 1055 Reviews (34.48%).
!!REMINDER!! – Please log in to the Reviewer Center Click or tap if you trust this link." rel="noopener"> for ENT review assignments. It is possible that spam filters may be trapping ENT/AOM review assignment emails (subject line: "AOM Annual Meeting Review Assignment").
With less than 1 week to go before the February 15th AOM Reviewing Deadline, 2067 reviews remain to be completed (approximately 67% of total "reviewable" ENT submissions) remain.
That's a lot of reviewing energy among our ENT community – thank you!!
With Love and Gratitude,
Vishal Gupta
Vishal Gupta
University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa AL
(205) 348-8427