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Doctoral and Early Career Colloquium Announcement

  • 1.  Doctoral and Early Career Colloquium Announcement

    Posted 09-13-2022 08:41
    Doctoral and Early Career Colloquium
    First International Network of Trust
    Helsinki, Finland

    Doctoral students and early career (junior) researchers and faculty are warmly invited to attend and present their research at the #2023FINT Doctoral and Early Career Colloquium. The colloquium will be held on 14 June 2023, the day before the FINT conference main program, and will focus on supporting budding researchers in developing their careers and conducting high-quality trust research.
    The colloquium will include a 2-hour paper development round-table session, where participants will have the opportunity to present and receive detailed developmental feedback on their research from experienced trust researchers, including Kurt Dirks, Ashley Fulmer, Tony Kong, Guido Möllering, Pri Shah, Rosalind Searle, Joe Hamm and others. We are excited that Professor Sim Sitkin (Duke University), an esteemed trust scholar, has agreed to give the keynote address. After this, the schedule will include interactive panel discussions on navigating the many aspects of academic life and the publishing process. 
    The colloquium offers a unique opportunity to network with other early career scholars, as well as established trust researchers, and reflect on your academic career in a supportive and developmental environment. 

    Participants are strongly encouraged to submit a research paper to the colloquium. Deadline for submissions is 15 October 2022 via submission portal https://fint2023.exordo.com/login. Papers will be reviewed by leading trust scholars prior to presentation at the conference, and participants will have the opportunity to incorporate this feedback prior to presenting. Papers can be up to a maximum of 3000 words (including title, abstract, figures/tables etc.) excluding references.

    Please reach out directly if you have any questions. 
    Alison Legood, University of Exeter (A.Legood@exeter.ac.uk)
    Nicole Gillespie, University of Queensland (n.gillespie1@uq.edu.au)

    Kirsi Snellman 
    LUT University