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Debate: Alvarez, Arikan, Baldwin, and Rose

  • 1.  Debate: Alvarez, Arikan, Baldwin, and Rose

    Posted 03-22-2023 09:57

    SMS Global Strategy Debate: Alvarez, Arikan, Baldwin, and Rose

    Join us in this exciting debate.

    Register here:

    https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_qiY4RN8OT8uXHCxNgL3lzg. Click or tap if you trust this link." rel="noopener">https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_qiY4RN8OT8uXHCxNgL3lzg

    Some believe that the distinctions firms face regarding the economic and social outcomes of their operations are all-encompassing. Others believe that the expectations are unclear, and the world is not as open as we imagined. Some may see the firm as a boundary-less organization that operates in boundary-less markets. Others are less keen on an increasingly globalized and open world. This debate is about how all these contradictions will impact the organizational forms.

    Title: "Contrasting Forms of Organizing Economic Activity in an Open (and maybe Not-So-Open) World."

    Date: April 28th Friday @10:00am-11:30am (EST) live via Zoom


    Sharon Alvarez (Pittsburgh)

    Asli Arikan (Kent)

    Carliss Baldwin (Harvard)

    Elizabeth Rose (IIM-Udaipur)

    The Initial Charge:

     "New organizational forms are needed in an open world."


    We will follow a modified Ox-Bridge style debate, with four (4) rounds.

    Introductions, and explanations for the debate format and the initial charge. (4 minutes)

    1st round - positioning: (5 minutes each debater)

    2nd round - crossfire: (4 minutes each debater)

    3rd round - rebuttals: (3 minutes each debater)

    4th round – closing remarks: (3 minutes each debater)

    udience participation and Q&A (25 minutes).

    Ilgaz Arikan