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Call for Special Tracks_2025 R&D Management Conference "Innovation & Biodiversity"

  • 1.  Call for Special Tracks_2025 R&D Management Conference "Innovation & Biodiversity"

    Posted 10-02-2024 21:20

    I am happy to announce that the R&D Management Conference 2025, that will be hosted by the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, will take place in Pisa from June 30 to July 2, 2025. The theme of the conference is "Innovating & Biodiversity": https://rnd2025.org/.

    Tracks are very important for the R&D Management Conference. In particular, track chairs (1) have an important role in promoting their tracks and the conference itself, (2) are involved in monthly online meetings before the conference, (3) have responsibility for paper selection, (4) may promote Special Issues, etc.

    You are very welcome to propose a track via Google Forms specifying:

    1. the title of the proposed track (maximum 30 words)
    2. an abstract (maximum 150 words)
    3. a long description of the track (maximum 500 words)
    4. your name and affiliation as track proponent
    5. the name(s) and affiliation(s) of other (maximum three) track co-chair(s).

    You can propose a track UNTIL OCTOBER 31th, 2024 and we will let you know about acceptance by November 15th 2024.

    If you need further information, please write to rnd2025@santannapisa.it.

    On behalf of the Conference Committee team

    Giulio Ferrigno
    Assistant Professor
    Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna