Dear colleagues,
We are glad to share that we are again planning the PDW in Social Movements, Stakeholders, and Nonmarket Strategy at AOM in Boston, which will take place on Saturday, August 5th from 8:00-11:00 am.
Starting with last year, our new five-year focus is on how well our scholarly efforts address the "grand challenges" influencing many organizations. The PDW will be structured as usual: beginning with a panel of experts (see panelist bios below) and ending with roundtable discussions. This last portion of the PDW will divide the participants into small groups, organized around grand challenges.
We would like to invite you to submit a research proposal for these roundtable discussions. These small group discussions provide a great opportunity to receive feedback on current or new projects, brainstorm future directions, learn about available resources, and find potential collaborators.
Each table will have 2-3 senior scholars to guide the discussion and serve as expert resources, and up to six participants. Please see a list of potential table themes below, and our discussion experts. We encourage proposals that fit within these themes, but we are open to other grand challenges, if there is sufficient demand.
If interested, please submit an up to 3-page research proposal by June 30th via the following link:
For any questions regarding the proposal submission process, please contact Jun Byun at
Please share this information with anyone who might be interested.
We hope that this call encourages you to think about new research avenues or ways to develop your research further. We look forward to your submissions!
Best regards,
The PDW organizing team: Jun Byun, Jocelyn Leitzinger, and Desirée Pacheco
Round Table Topics:
Climate Change, Income Inequality, Corporate Wrongdoing, Technology, Deforestation & Biodiversity, Energy, Justice, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Organizational Change & Internal Movements, Public Health
Round Table Discussants:
Mike Barnett (Rutgers University)
Forrest Briscoe (Pennsylvania State University)
Ed Carberry (University of Massachusetts Boston)
Chad Carlos (Brigham Young University)
Rashed Chowdhury (University of Southampton)
Robert David (McGill University)
Jonathan Doh (Villanova University)
Chuck Eesley (Stanford University)
Panikos Georgallis (University of Amsterdam)
Abhinav Gupta (University of Washington)
Tim Hargrave (Central Washington University)
Shon Hiatt (University of Southern California)
Brayden King (Northwestern University)
Brandon Lee (Melbourne Business School)
Mae McDonnell (University of Pennsylvania)
Sara Soderstrom (University of Michigan)
Ion Bodi Vasi (University of Iowa)
Daniel Waeger (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Klaus Weber (Northwestern University)
Jeff York (University of Colorado Boulder)
Expert Panel of Speakers:
James Jasper (Independent Scholar) – James Jasper is a renowned independent sociologist who recently retired from a professorship at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. James has made several substantial contributions to social movement theory, especially in protest movements' collective identity, cultural, and emotional dimensions. His recent work explores the impact of political movements in multiple arenas and the role of character work in politics.
Felipe Massa (Loyola University New Orleans) – Felipe Massa is an Associate Professor of Management/Entrepreneurship at Loyola College of Business. His research examines the emergence of innovative entities, practices, and ideas in online communities and cultural industries. In his prior work, Felipe has written about how novel emerging practices can promote inspiring, emotional experiences that drive audiences to engage in evangelistic behavior.
Sara Soderstrom (University of Michigan) – Sara Soderstrom is an Associate Professor of Organizational Studies and Program in the Environment at the University of Michigan. Sara's research involves understanding how individuals within organizations mobilize others, build coalitions, and access key decision-makers. In addition, she investigates how organizations and individuals handle sustainability's ambiguity and uncertainty.
Juliane Reinecke (University of Oxford) - Juliane Reinecke is a Professor of Management Studies at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. Through a combination of insights from organization theory, political philosophy, and process studies, Juliane explores how transnational governance institutions emerge and evolve as the result of interactions between multiple stakeholders. In her recent work, she illuminates the micro-foundations of framing through her examination of movements and their targets.
Klaus Weber (Northwestern University) - Klaus Weber is a Professor of Management & Organizations at Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. He is also affiliated with the Department of Sociology and the Northwestern Institute for Sustainability and Energy. In his research, he examines the dynamics of organizational and institutional sustainability transitions, interactions between social movements and corporations, and the impact of globalization on the economy. Cultural and institutional analysis and methodologies are among his specialties.
Desirée F. Pacheco
Associate Professor
IESE Business School