Optimal Distinctiveness: Leveraging Methodological Innovations for Generating Theoretical Insights
PDW at 2023 Academy of Management Annual Meeting
Friday, August 4, 12:15-3:15 pm ET
Boston Park Plaza in Georgian Room
Dear colleagues,
We would like to invite you to participate in the 2023 AOM PDW on "Optimal Distinctiveness: Leveraging Methodological Innovations for Generating Theoretical Insights" (session 12737). The PDW is scheduled to take place on Friday, August 4, 12:15-3:15 pm ET, in Georgian Room, Boston Park Plaza.
In recent years, OD scholars have pioneered and engaged with some of the most contemporary empirical methods in contributing to a more accurate and enriched understanding of OD. These methods include qualitative comparative analysis, topic modeling, neural networks, recommender systems, and morphing technology, just to name a few. This PDW aims to synthesize the most contemporary methodological innovations introduced and employed in recent OD research. We hope the discussion will also surface some relevant empirical considerations that are yet to be explored and help participants learn how to best leverage methodological innovations for generating theoretical insights in OD research and beyond.
We anticipate this PDW to offer participants not only an opportunity to gain insights into cutting-edge thinking but also a platform to converse with established thought leaders in an intimate and friendly environment. To achieve this purpose, we leverage roundtable discussions. During the roundtable session, the tables will each be assigned a provisional discussion topic, and two panelists will facilitate the discussion. We invite proposal submissions for a more in-depth small-group discussion (see proposal submission detail below), but we also encourage participants without a submission to join the discussion with an open mind.
If you are interested in attending the PDW, we kindly ask you to take one minute to fill out the survey. You may access the survey here: or scan the QR code in the poster attached. Your feedback is valuable and will help us better organize the event. We will keep tracking the registration information before the event, but we encourage you to complete the survey before July 15.
For any questions, please contact the organizers: Eric Zhao ( and Joanna Li (
The tentative schedule of the PDW is as follows:
12:15-12:25 pm
PDW Introduction and Overview
12:25-13:25 pm
Plenary Session 1
Integrating contemporary empirical methods in OD research
Ryan Angus/ Matthew Barlow/ J Cameron Verhaal: combining qualitative methods and field experiments in studying OD
Mitali Banerjee: using convolutional neural networks to measure distinctiveness
Richard Haans: natural language processing (e.g., topic modeling, word embedding) in OD research
Majid Majzoubi: using recommender systems to predict heterogenous audience evaluations
Karl Taeuscher: empirical setting and data selection in OD scholarship
13:25-13:35 pm
13:35-14:35 pm
Roundtable Discussions
Discussion leaders: all panelists
14:35-15:10 pm
Plenary Session 2
Frontier research and future opportunities
Panelists: Gino Cattani, Rodolphe Durand, Mary Ann Glynn, Michael Lounsbury, Amanda Sharkey, Paul Tracey, Filippo Carlo Wezel
15:10-15:15 pm
Closing Remarks
Proposal submission details:
Submission of proposal is optional, but we strongly encourage you to do so if you have an idea related to optimal distinctiveness. In the proposal, please describe a) the purpose of the study and the research question, b) key arguments/hypotheses, c) empirical approaches, and d) intended contributions. Proposals should be approximately 1000 words.
Please send your proposals to the organizers by July 15, 2023. Please copy both organizers on the email.
Thank you for your interest. We look forward to seeing you in Boston!
Eric Zhao (University of Oxford) & Joanna Li (Indiana University)

Joanna Li
Ph.D. candidate in Strategic Management and Organization Theory
Kelley School of Business
Indiana U., Bloomington
Bloomington IN