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CALL FOR PAPERS: The Journal of Technology Transfer (JOTT)

  • 1.  CALL FOR PAPERS: The Journal of Technology Transfer (JOTT)

    Posted 05-06-2024 18:08
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    Dear colleagues,

    Guest editors, Profs. David Audretsch, Dafna Kariv (corresponding co-editor), Mark Sanders (corresponding co-editor) and Erik Stam are inviting contributions to a Special issue on: Crisis as the new normal? Entrepreneurship as agents of change in the new era of disruption, at the JOTT.

    Key Dates
    Submission of full papers: August 1st, 2024
    Reviewers' feedback on papers: September 15th, 2024
    Submission of revised papers: November 30th, 2024
    Completion of peer review process: February 1st, 2025
    Expected date of publication: December 30th, 2025

    More details can be found here: https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:ap:05b08005-e306-4e92-8a42-6dc80e291df5

    In an era marked by recurrent, multifaceted challenges-termed a Polycrisis (Homer-Dixon et al., 2022)-entrepreneurial ventures worldwide face a transformative landscape. No longer confined to isolated events, crises now present an ongoing, complex tapestry of challenges and opportunities. A robust entrepreneurial ecosystem may serve as a double-edged sword, fostering innovation and progress in stable times while providing strength and antifragility to economies during crises (Taleb, 2014). However, existing research primarily focuses on stable and localized contexts, overlooking how entrepreneurial ventures navigate polycrises.
    This special issue is dedicated to exploring entrepreneurship within the new normal of polycrisis situations. Our primary emphasis lies in entrepreneurial strategies to navigate this new reality. Bringing together the state-of-the-art research in this emerging field is both crucial and timely. While achieving a comprehensive synthesis in a dedicated special issue remains challenging, it is imperative to elevate this emerging field to the next level and address its pressing demands.

    To submit your paper for the special issue, kindly access the JOTT website.
    Please meticulously follow these steps:
    Select Professor Donald Siegel, JOTT co-editor, as the designated editor for your submission.
    ▪ Accompany your submission with a cover letter titled: "Submission for the Special Issue: Crisis as the New Normal? Entrepreneurship as Agents of Change in the New Era of Disruption."
    ▪ Ensure that your cover letter explicitly addresses the Special Issue co-editors: Professors Audretsch, Kariv, Sanders, and Stam.

    >> You may consider your (draft) paper for participation in our PDW titled 'Beyond Business-as-Usual: Unleashing the Power of Innovation in Times of Crisis' (number 12664), organized by Professors Dafna Kariv and David Audretsch, at the AoM, Chicago, 2024, at: https://aom.org/events/annual-meeting and/
    >> Additionally, you may also consider submitting it to the IECER 2024 conference

    We look forward to your submissions! 

    [Dafna] [Kariv]
    [Reichman University]
    [Herzliya] [Israel]


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