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Call for Applications: AOM PDW on Organizational Search

  • 1.  Call for Applications: AOM PDW on Organizational Search

    Posted 06-24-2022 15:40
    AOM2022 PDW "The Landscape of Research on Organizational Search:
    Diverse Approaches and The Path Forward"

    August 6th, 2022, 10:00 AM– 12:00 PM Pacific Time (UTC-7) Hybrid: Seattle + Zoom
    Distinguished Panelists:
    Gautam Ahuja (Cornell University)
    Vibha Gaba (INSEAD)
    Martin Ganco (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
    Abhishek Nagaraj (University of California Berkeley)
    Melissa Schilling (New York University)
    Sukhun Kang (London Business School)
    Cha Li (University of Texas at Austin)
    We cordially invite you to attend the upcoming PDW on "The Landscape of Research on Organizational Search: Diverse Approaches and The Path Forward" at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2022 in Seattle. Participation is open for the panelist presentations and discussion (Part I and II), but pre-registration is required for the round table discussion (Part III).


    The topic of organizational search has received extensive attention from strategy and management scholars. Over the last two decades, several sub-fields started to emerge that advance our understanding of organizational search on different fronts and utilize various theoretical and methodological approaches.

    This PDW aims to promote conversations across the different sub-fields and facilitate a joint reflection on the current state of the literature and the unexplored opportunities. In particular, we bring together a group of leading scholars who will exchange their insights on topics such as (i) overview of the search literature, (ii) local vs. distant search, (iii) problemistic search, (iv) adaptive search under complexity, and (v) experimental search. Overall, the goal of this PDW is to provide a forum where scholars can develop a shared understanding of research on organizational search and provide useful insights into how next-generation scholars may employ novel theories and methods to develop future research.

    Part I&II, 10:00AM – 11:20AM (Open to all participants)

    In Part I, five leading scholars (Gautam Ahuja, Vibha Gaba, Martin Ganco, Abhishek Nagaraj, and Melissa Schilling) will share insights on each of the key current topics and methodologies for studying organizational search. In Part II, the session will also have a semi-structured panel discussion among the presenters.

    Part III, 11:20AM – 12:00PM (Requires pre-registration due to limited space)

    Part III will contain roundtable discussions with each one focused on different topics and methods of organizational search. Prospective participants will apply to the PDW by submitting a brief description of a research idea to be explored with the discussants and other participants. To participate in the round table discussion, please fill in this form prior to Friday, July 8, 2022: https://forms.gle/d6JM8of9b6J1a7N78Acceptance notifications will be sent by Mid July, 2022.

    Given that some of our panelists may join remotely, we may be able to accommodate some roundtable participants remotely. In the application form, we also ask you to indicate whether you will participate in person or remotely.

    Please feel free to reach out to Sukhun Kang (skang@london.edu) or Cha Li (cha.li@mccombs.utexas.edu) if you have any questions.

    Cha Li
    Assistant Professor
    UT Austin
    Austin TX