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Behavioral Perspectives on Family Firms Workshop

  • 1.  Behavioral Perspectives on Family Firms Workshop

    Posted 02-11-2024 12:16

    Conference date

    17 Oct 2024


    HEC Paris


    Following the success of its 1st edition, held in Copenhagen in May 2023, we are organizing the 2nd edition of the "Behavioral Perspectives" Workshop. The workshop, which is co-organized by Bocconi University, Copenhagen Business School (CBS), HEC Paris, and University of Southern Denmark (SDU), aims at stimulating a conversation on how scholars can leverage behavioral economics to understand the functioning of firms. This year's focus will be on firms owned by families.

    The event will take place at HEC Paris on October 17, 2024.

    We expect to have a mix of scholars from organizational economics, family business and behavioral economics, and are seeking high-quality submissions employing diverse theoretical perspectives and methods. In particular, we welcome submissions that deal with these topics:

    1. Preferences and objectives of corporate owners
    2. The psychological nature of family ownership
    3. Evolution of different types of corporate ownership
    4. Strategic decision-making in family firms
    5. Field/lab experiments in strategy and organization

    The workshop will feature the keynote of three renowned scholars who will provide a different perspective on the topic: Oriana Bandiera (London School of Economics and Political Science), Morten Bennedsen (University of Copenhagen) and Kim Eddleston (Northeastern University).

    The submission deadline is April 1, 2024. You can submit a full paper or an extended abstract (max 5 pages).

    To submit a paper, click here: Submission_Link

    Here are the important dates:
    1. Submission Deadline: April 1, 2024 (23:59 in your time zone).
    2. Acceptance Notification: May 1, 2024
    3. Workshop date: October 17, 2024

    Organizing committee:

    Mario Daniele Amore: HEC Paris, CEPR, ECGI (amore@hec.fr)
    Orsola Garofalo: CBS, CEPR (og.si@cbs.dk)
    Cedric Gutierrez: Bocconi University (cedric.gutierrez@unibocconi.it)
    Victor Martin-Sanchez: SDU (vms@sam.sdu.dk)

    Please contact us if you have any further queries about the event. We look forward to meeting you next fall!

    Cedric Gutierrez
    Bocconi University