Call for Extended Abstracts
Race and Entrepreneurship (#15463)
Hi all,
We are organizing a PDW on the topic of race and entrepreneurship for the 2023 AOM conference in Boston. As part of this PDW, we hope to encourage research in this area by providing an opportunity to get feedback from journal editors on extended abstracts. We are seeking abstracts (3-5 pages double-spaced, excluding references) on the topic of race (broadly defined) and entrepreneurship (broadly defined).
Please submit abstracts to by July 18th, 2023.
Session: August, 4th, 2023; 3:00-4:30
Format: In person
Description: In this professional development workshop, we explore the topic of entrepreneurship and race. This PDW will introduce the audience with an important yet distressingly neglected area of research and provide the audience an opportunity to discuss pre-submitted extended abstracts with editors from top entrepreneurship journals. The ultimate goal we have for this PDW is to encourage a broad research agenda on race and entrepreneurship that captures both the structural qualities of marginalization and the agentic qualities of entrepreneurship.
Participating editors:
Rene Bakker (AE at Journal Business Venturing; remote and at later date)
Oana Branzei (AE at Journal of Business Venturing)
Candy Brush (SE at Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice)
Jeffrey Pollack (AE at Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice)
Mauricio Mercado
Iowa State University | Ivy College of Business