Bringing back the Owner into Strategic Management
Hybrid-Interactive: Seattle + Virtual, Zoom 'meeting' style
Saturday, August 6 2022 10:00AM – 12:00PM PT (UTC -7)
Submission Deadline extended: July 8, 2022
The PDW seeks to address the growing call for more research on the strategic role of ownership. We know a lot about how managers shape firm strategy; however, much less is known about how owners shape firm strategy. This is unfortunate because ownership implies control over the firm and its resources and gives owners the right to decide how value is created. Our PDW aims to develop novel perspectives on the role of ownership in the strategic management of the firm. A strategic ownership perspective acknowledges that owners are heterogeneous such as in terms of their social identities, skills and competences, investment preferences and activism, just as in the way they exercise influence over their firms. Our goal is to create awareness on the role of ownership for firm strategy, to facilitate idea generation and further development of research projects as well as scholarly networking.
PDW Format:
Part 1 of the PDW features impulse presentations by distinguished scholars, who offer their perspectives about the role of ownership in the strategic management of the firm, followed by a moderated panel discussion. All AOM attendees are welcome to attend Part 1 without prior registration.
Part 2 of the PDW features roundtable discussions to engage participants in deeper discussions with keynote speakers and receive valuable feedback to sharpen their own research. The second part is limited to participants who successfully submitted their one-page abstract summarizing their research project relevant to the topic. One author from each abstract proposal will be able to attend Part 2 of the PDW. To be considered, the abstract must be sent to ( by Friday July 8, 2022. Authors will be notified on whether their abstract is accepted by July 15, 2022.
Submission Guidelines:
Abstracts should not exceed 1 page (single-spaced). Please use 10-point font or larger. Please submit abstract in PDF format.
BRIAN CONNELLY, Auburn University
EMILIE FELDMAN, University of Pennsylvania
LASZLO TIHANYI, Rice University
EDWARD J. ZAJAC, Northwestern University
Mario Daniele Amore, Bocconi University
Christine Scheef, University of St.Gallen
Paola Taricco, Bocconi University
Thomas Zellweger, University of St.Gallen
Christine Scheef
Assistant Professor
University of St. Gallen