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AMR Origins Series - Episode 22 - A Place in the World: Vulnerability, Wellbeing, and the Ubiquitous Evaluation that Animates Participation in Institutional Processes

  • 1.  AMR Origins Series - Episode 22 - A Place in the World: Vulnerability, Wellbeing, and the Ubiquitous Evaluation that Animates Participation in Institutional Processes

    Posted 06-22-2022 22:37

    The next episode of Season 2 of the AMR Origins Series is out. This is the video and podcast series where we interview authors of forthcoming AMR articles to ask: "Where does theory come from?" Our aim is to demystify the theory-building process. Authors of forthcoming AMR articles discuss how they got their ideas and share their process for developing new theory. 


    In this episode (Episode 22 of the overall series, and Episode 2 of Season 2), Douglas Creed, Bryant Hudson, Gerardo Okhuysen, and Kristin Smith-Crowe discuss their forthcoming article titled "A Place in the World: Vulnerability, Wellbeing, and the Ubiquitous Evaluation that Animates Participation in Institutional Processes."


    Here is a link to Episode 22 on YouTube: https://youtu.be/3S0VSpsmiwc


    Here is a link to the podcast audio version of Episode 22: https://anchor.fm/amr-origins-series/episodes/AMR-Origins-Series---Episode-22---Doug-Creed--Bryant-Hudson--Gerardo-Okhuysen-and-Kristin-Smith-Crowe-e1j5mia. The podcast version can also be found on your favorite podcast platform: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcast, etc.


    The YouTube video interviews for the AMR Origins Series are now published on the AOM YouTube Channel, under the AMR Origins Series Playlist. The videos are no longer published on Rich Makadok's personal YouTube Channel. If you were subscribed to watch the AMR Origins Series on Rich's YouTube channel, please now subscribe to watch on the AOM YouTube Channel. 



    In the transition to Season 2, the notice about Episode 21 did not reach everyone (sorry). In Episode 21, Stewart Clegg and Mario Berti discussed their forthcoming article titled "Research Movements and Theorizing Dynamics in Management and Organization Studies." Here is a link to Episode 21 on YouTube: https://youtu.be/RjkAa-tVPNU and here is a link to the podcast audio version of Episode 21: https://anchor.fm/amr-origins-series/episodes/AMR-Origins-Series---Episode-21---Stewart-Clegg--Miguel-Pina-e-Cunha--Marco-Berti-e1j4cg7


    We hope you find value in these episodes of the AMR Origins series.