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Inaugural Dare to Care Research Cafe

  • 1.  Inaugural Dare to Care Research Cafe

    Posted 11-03-2020 05:10
    Please join us for our Inaugural
    Dare to Care Research Café!

    Grab a cup of joe and join the Dare to Care Research Café  -- an online, virtual conversation series designed to connect early stage scholars (PhD students, junior faculty) with experienced faculty who have published in the domain of responsible research. Invited scholars will be asked to share a short presentation of their work, followed by a moderated question and answer session that utilizes a mix of plenary discussion and virtual breakout rooms to foster connections between scholars and deepen our collective understanding of what it means to be responsible researchers.  The goal of the café is for junior scholars to learn the "how" of responsible research. 

    The Dare to Care Research Café will focus on featuring and discussing how to do research that "moves" the world. Discussion topics will include issues such as: income inequality, racial justice, gender equity, inclusive practices, poverty alleviation, clean energy adoption, access to food and clean water, sustainable consumption, access to education, and responsible finance and impact investment. Our goal aligns with the mission of the RRBM in that we hope to inspire and encourage the next generation of scholars to engage in important research that improves business and management practices, and has a positive effect on society.

    Our inaugural Research Café will occur virtually on November 20, 2020 at 2:00pm EST. Please plan for about 75 minutes. We will solicit feedback from participants to improve this event in the future. The Dare to Care Research Café is sponsored by RRBM and organized by the Dare to Care Scholars. The organizing team consists of Melissa Chamberlin, Bori Csillag, Chris Reina, and Liz Adair, and is led by faculty advisor Anne Tsui.


    The following authors from three RRBM Award-winning papers will join us to discuss their work.

    • Dr. Yanhua BirdDr. Jodi L. Short, and Dr. Michael W. Toffel discuss:

     Bird, Y., Short, J. L., & Toffel, M. W. (2019) Coupling labor codes of conduct and supplier labor  practices: The role of internal structural conditions. Organization Science, 30(4), 847-867

    • Dr. Trenton A. Williams discusses:

    Williams, T. A., & Shepherd, D. A. (2016). Building resilience or providing sustenance: Different paths of emergent ventures in the aftermath of the Haitiearthquake. Academy of Management Journal, 59(6), 2069-2102.

    •  Dr. A. Wren Montgomery discusses:

    Montgomery, A. W., & Dacin, M. T. (2019; in press) Water wars in Detroit: Custodianship and the work of institutional renewal. Academy of Management Journal.



    Space at this event is limited and registration is required. To register, please familiarize yourself with the papers listed above and then go to the following link. You will receive a confirmation email approximately one week before the event with a Zoom link.




    For questions about the event or registration, please email Liz Adair at eadair@csumb.edu

    Elizabeth Adair
    Assistant Professor of Management
    California State University, Monterey Bay
    Marina, CA