
  • ENT Election Results

    (posted on behalf of @Sarah Jack, Past Division Chair)

    Dear Colleagues, 

    I’m pleased to announce the winners of the 2023 ENT Division Elections. 

    PDW Chair (first step on the five-year leadership ladder, starting Fall 2023):

    • Christina Theodoraki, Toulouse Business School
      Christina Theodoraki is Associate Professor in entrepreneurship at TBS Education, Senior Research Fellow at Indiana University and Business Development Manager at the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Research Network. In 2021, she received the Babson Collaborative Member of the Year Award. She is Editor of Small Business Economics, Associate Editor of Journal of Small Business Management, and member of several editorial boards. Her research includes entrepreneurial ecosystems and support organizations, and has been published in Small Business Economics, Journal of Business Research, R&D Management, Journal of Technology Transfer, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. Since 2016, she has been regular member of the ENT division and contributed to different roles (reviewer, E-Encounter contributor, presenter, organizer, speaker) in over 16 sessions including PDW, Symposiums, Author-presentations, Meet the editors. It is a great honor to serve as PDW Chair promoting sessions of connection, collaboration and innovation that enable the growth of the entrepreneurship field.  

    Representatives at Large (three-year term starting Fall 2022):

    • Michael Ciuchta, University of Massachusetts Lowell
      Michael P. Ciuchta is a Kauffman Dissertation Fellow, Fulbright Scholar and Associate Professor at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. He has a PhD from the University of Wisconsin – Madison and an MBA from The Wharton School. Michael’s research lies at the intersection of institutional and behavioral decision-making theories. In one stream, he examines how entrepreneurs (individuals or organizations) interpret and respond to information in the pursuit of entrepreneurial endeavors. In another stream, he considers how financial capital providers evaluate entrepreneurs and ventures. He publishes in and reviews for the leading entrepreneurship journals including JBV, ET&P, SEJ, ISBJ and JoTT. He regularly presents at and reviews for AOM and is on the Board of Reviewers for the Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Michael is passionate about entrepreneurship education, teaching at the undergraduate, masters and doctoral levels, and he serves as program coordinator for UMass Lowell’s Master’s in Entrepreneurship program. 

    • Marcus Wolfe, University of North Texas
      Marcus Wolfe is the G. Brint Ryan Professor of Entrepreneurship, and an Associate Professor in the Ryan College of Business at the University of North Texas. His research primarily focuses on individual cognition and decision making at all stages of the entrepreneurial process, the potential clinical and biological factors that influence entrepreneurial health and well-being, as well as emotions and entrepreneurial failure. His research has appeared in a number of leading academic journals including the Academy of Management Journal, Management Science, Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, and Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal among others. He serves on the editorial review boards of Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Management, and Journal of Business Venturing Insights. Additionally, prior to beginning his career in academia Marcus was also involved in helping to found and run several new venture start-ups in a wide range of industry sectors.

    • Lien Denoo, Tilburg University
      Lien Denoo is a tenured Assistant Professor in Entrepreneurship at Tilburg University’s Department of Management. She got her PhD from Ghent University, and was a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Southern California. Lien’s research interests include the role of customers in young technology ventures, value creation and capture in nascent technology ventures, and the impact of founder characteristics and resource acquisition processes on new venture start-up and growth. Lien’s research has been published in the Journal of Business Venturing and the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal and received several awards such as the Heizer award from the Academy of Management’s Entrepreneurship division, and the 2021 EBS Best Paper Award. Lien is an experienced teacher in (corporate) entrepreneurship, business and innovation, and received an excellent teacher award from her school. She further serves as a member of the ENT division’s research committee, and is an active journal and conference reviewer.

    • Emmalinde Roelofse, University of Northern Iowa
      Dr. Lindi Roelofse is the T. Wayne Davis Chair in Entrepreneurship at the University of Northern Iowa. She returned to academia after cutting her teeth on economic development crisis situations as an executive rebuilding in response to presidential disaster crisis situations like natural disasters, as well major manufacturing plant closings. Most recently her scholarly agenda on strategic decision-making under uncertainty zoomed in on the impact of the COVID pandemic. In the past three years, she and her team have won 20+ global, national, regional, state, and local awards for initiatives helping entrepreneurs beat the odds and specifically efforts of rebuilding trust and healing from damage and trauma associated with needs of underrepresented minorities in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. In 2022 the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation made a major three-year commitment to invest in Dr. Roelofse’s action research portfolio as a PI. Her scholarship at AOM has been highlighted in the form of papers as well as Professional Development Workshops.

    • Jeff McMullen, Indiana University
      Jeffery S. McMullen is David H. Jacobs Chair in Strategic Entrepreneurship at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University and current Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Business Venturing. Studying entrepreneurship as a process of self-discovery and socio-economic change, Dr. McMullen has published in Annals, AMJ, AMR, ETP, JBV, JIBS, JMS, SEJ, and SMJ, to name only a few. In 2018, he won the Foundational Paper Award from the AOM's Entrepreneurship Division. Additionally, Jeff has received the Kelley School of Business’s Innovative Teaching Award, multiple Trustees Teaching Awards, best doctoral class and advisor awards, the Sauvain Teaching Award for lifetime achievement for excellence in undergraduate education, and the AOM Award for Innovation in Entrepreneurship Pedagogy. In 2022, he was awarded the Mentor Award from the AOM's Entrepreneurship Division. Before academia, Jeff was a CPA at KPMG, Denver, and a successful entrepreneur in Colorado where he received his MBA and PhD.

    Our participation rate was 17%. This was low for the ENT Division, and lower than other AOM Divisions. 

    Thanks to all the candidates for their willingness to serve the Division, and to all who voted for their participation.
