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SEI Doctoral Consortium & Faculty Workshop

  • 1.  SEI Doctoral Consortium & Faculty Workshop

    Posted 04-07-2024 12:34

    Doctoral Consortium

    Student nomination deadline: May 1st, 2024

    We invite nominations from faculty at business schools in Europe for their doctoral students to participate in the SEI Doctoral Consortium to be held on Friday, September 20th – Saturday, September 21st, at ESSEC Business School (La Défense campus). The consortium seeks to bring together a selected and high-potential group of doctoral students doing research in the areas of Strategy, Entrepreneurship or Innovation. The SEI Doctoral Consortium provides doctoral students at universities in Europe with a unique opportunity to present their dissertation-stage research and receive feedback from leading scholars, including the editors of the top academic journals in the field. Informal feedback and networking opportunities will be provided outside the formal student presentations, including coffee breaks, lunches, and dinners. Nominations should be made by a faculty member (rather than the student) and should be coordinated at the institution level. 

    The deadline for nominating students is May 1st, 2024. Since the consortium is designed to help students develop their research, we expect nominees whose research is beyond the thesis proposal stage. Priority will be given to students who have not presented at a previous SEI consortium and students whose advisor commits to participate in the event. All participants are expected to be based in Europe. We strive for diversity in institutions, participants, and research topics. We strive for diversity in institutions, participants, and research topics. We aim to inform accepted Ph.D. students by the end of May 2024. ESSEC Business School will book and cover hotel expenses (two nights stay) and will reimburse travel expenses (up to 300 Euros) for all the presenters. There is no registration fee for the workshop. 

    Please use this link to nominate students: https://www.seiconsortium.com/nomination

    Faculty Workshop

    Paper submission deadline: May 1st, 2023

    We would like to invite paper submissions for the annual European Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (SEI) Faculty Workshop to be held on Friday, September 20th – Saturday, September 21st, at ESSEC Business School (La Défense campus). The workshop builds upon the success of previous SEI Faculty Workshops and aims to provide a forum for in-depth discussion to scholars in the fields of Strategy, Entrepreneurship or Innovation. Scholars who are early in their careers (e.g., assistant professors, and faculty in tenure tracks) will receive priority and are especially encouraged to submit their work. The Faculty Workshop will take place alongside the Doctoral Consortium, constituting a joint event. Since the aim of this developmental workshop is to help prepare articles for submission to top journals of the field, papers must not be already accepted, or close to being accepted. 

    The deadline for the submission of papers is May 1st, 2024. Please use the link below to submit your paper. Please submit your paper with names and affiliations on the first page, separate from the paper itself. A selection committee will review and rank all papers given the selection criteria. The top-scoring papers will be selected for inclusion in the program. No feedback will be provided at this stage. Priority will be given to junior faculty members (e.g., assistant professors and tenure trackers) and those who have not presented at the SEI before. All participants are expected to be based in Europe. We aim to inform authors of accepted papers by the end of May 2024. ESSEC Business School will book and cover hotel expenses (two nights stay) and will reimburse travel expenses (up to 300 Euros) for all the presenters. There is no registration fee for the workshop. 

    Please use this link to submit papers: https://www.seiconsortium.com/papersubmission

    Raffaele Conti
    ESSEC Business School