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CONFERENCE REGISTRATION REMINDER: 4th Annual L.I.F.E. Research Conference on Faith & Entrepreneurship on Thursday, April 11, 2024 VIRTUAL

  • 1.  CONFERENCE REGISTRATION REMINDER: 4th Annual L.I.F.E. Research Conference on Faith & Entrepreneurship on Thursday, April 11, 2024 VIRTUAL

    Posted 04-01-2024 20:28

    FINAL REMINDER. The Department of Entrepreneurship, the John W. Altman Institute for Entrepreneurship, and the Center for L.I.F.E. (Leading the Integration of Faith and Entrepreneurship) in the Farmer School of Business at Miami University are pleased to announce the 4th Annual L.I.F.E. Research Conference on Faith & Entrepreneurship on Thursday, April 11, 2024, from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm ET (New York).

    REGISTER HERE: 4th Annual L.I.F.E. Research Conference on Faith & Entrepreneurship

    The L.I.F.E. Research Conference, directed by Dr. Brett Smith at Miami University, is one of the first international conferences to advance research at the intersection of faith and entrepreneurship. Past speakers--including Ted Baker, Gary Bruton, Lowell Busenitz, Melissa Cardon, Dawn DeTienne, Stephanie Fernhaber, Greg Fisher, Bill Gartner, Ali Gümüsay, Phil Kim, Peter Klein, Tom Lumpkin, Jeff McMullen, Chuck Murnieks, Scott Newbert, Ute Stephan, Roy Suddaby, and David Townsend, among others--have came together to discuss how to advance this research conversation. 

    Building on increased academic research activity and extensive interest from participants in last year's L.I.F.E. Research Conference, this year's conference is designed to advance the research conversation of the relationship between religious faith and entrepreneurship.

    This year's speakers include Saulo Dubard Barbosa, Melissa Cardon, Allan Discua Cruz, Stephanie Fernhaber, Ali Gümüsay, Kylie Heales, Jessica Jones, Peter Klein, Jose Lopez, Rob Pidduck, Miruna Radu-Leferbrve, Niels Rietveld, David Townsend, Elco van Burg, and Ruben van Werven, among others. This group of entrepreneurship scholars will come together to discuss how to advance this research conversation with participants. The program features a keynote by Dr. Nathan French, a religious studies scholar and leading expert on Islamic Studies, Middle East Studies, and comparative approaches to law and violence, and a variety of sessions and topical panels that will provide a wealth of content and conversations for participants. 

    We continue to see evidence of an emerging subfield of research on faith and entrepreneurship (Smith, Gümüsay & Townsend, 2023), and our plan for the 2024 conference is to continue the conversation, to advance practically relevant, academically rigorous research toward publication in premiere entrepreneurship and management journals. 

    Building on this momentum, the conference will include: 

    • Keynote speaker: Dr. Nathan French, a religious studies scholar, speaking on: What is Religion and Why Should Entrepreneurship Scholars Care? 
    • A State of the Research Field: presentation highlighting key trends and developments; 
    • Recent Developments in the Field: Short paper presentations from recent special issue on religion and entrepreneurship in Small Business Economics.
    • Future Developments in the Field: Overview on the upcoming special issue for Entrepreneurship & Regional Development.
    • Panel Discussion: Challenges and opportunities of publishing on faith & entrepreneurship. 
    • Interactive Research Discussions: Interactive discussions where participants are invited to submit research ideas and paper proposals for feedback from senior scholars, including current and formal journal editors.

    Learn more about the Center for L.I.F.E. (Leading the Integration of Faith & Entrepreneurship) and the L.I.F.E. Program at www.lifemiamioh.com or stream the 3rd Annual L.I.F.E. Research Conferences on Faith & Entrepreneurship at https://www.liferesearchconference.com/.

    Tim R. Holcomb Ph.D.
    Professor and Chair, Department of Entrepreneurship
    Director, John W. Altman Institute for Entrepreneurship
    Farmer School Endres Fellow
    Miami University | Farmer School of Business
    2078C FSB/MSC 1148 | 800 E. High Street | Oxford, Ohio 45056