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Virtual Research Brown Bags featuring Dr. Bernd Stahl (October 28th) and Dr. Pinar Ozcan (November 4th)

  • 1.  Virtual Research Brown Bags featuring Dr. Bernd Stahl (October 28th) and Dr. Pinar Ozcan (November 4th)

    Posted 10-05-2024 21:17

    Apologies for cross-postings.


    Dear Colleagues,


    We have two upcoming Research Brown Bag Talks featuring Dr. Bernd Stahl and Dr. Pinar Ozcan and warmly invite you to join us. You can find more information, including their bios, here.


    Research Domain Talk: Dr. Bernd Carsten Stahl 

    Topic: Artificial Intelligence for a Better Future: An Ecosystem Perspective on the Ethics of AI and Emerging Digital Technologies

    TimeOctober 28th, Monday, 2024, 10:00 am ~ 11:30 am (PT) 

    Zoom Registration: https://sfsu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEkce2sqT0rHdSnksJbeYydw5UdKSsCJa-f


    Research Method Talk: Dr. Pinar Ozcan

    Topic: Single, Comparative and Multiple Case Studies: Finding the Sweet Spot

    TimeNovember 4th, Monday, 2024, 1:00 pm ~ 2:30 pm (PT)

    Zoom registration link:  https://sfsu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMsfuiprj8tEtyiL-giDwBv0O2AlnC1jx2W#/registration






    RI&E Research Initiative Team


    Chenwei Li, Ph. D. 

    Associate Professor of Management 

    Associate Director, RI&E Initiative

    Lam Family College of Business

    San Francisco State University

    Email: cwli@sfsu.edu