Title: Postdoctoral Fellow - Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard, D^3 Institute
School: Harvard Business School
Position Description:
The Digital, Data, and Design (D^3) Institute at Harvard is accepting applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow for academic year 2024-2025 to work on research activities with the Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard. D^3 launched in the summer of 2022 with 12 labs working on research at the intersection of academia and practice. For more information on D^3, please visit https://d3.harvard.edu.
Business, the global economy, and societies around the world are facing dramatic upheaval as a result of rapid technological change driven simultaneously by digitization, the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning to all facets of company, economic, and human data, and a new emphasis on the importance of design and innovation on value creation for stakeholders. Postdoctoral Fellows at D^3 will work on various research projects related to these phenomena, including: Business Model Transformation; Operating Model Transformation; Organizational and Workforce Transformation; Performance and Metrics; Data, Privacy and Transparency; and Societal Impact.
The Postdoctoral Fellow will work under the direct supervision of faculty Principal Investigators including Karim Lakhani, Jacqueline Lane, and Kyle Myers, and the Senior Director of Labs. They will work closely with the Research Manager and Research Associate(s) at each lab. D^3 is looking for candidates with diverse backgrounds and/or new perspectives. There are no teaching requirements for these open positions.
Application Details:
Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled
Please apply here via the Harvard system. Please do not contact lab faculty; if you have any questions, please contact d3@harvard.edu.
All applications must include the following:
• Curriculum vitae
• Statement of research
• Two representative publications
• Two letters of recommendation
Candidates may be asked to undergo an assessment as part of the interview process.
For more information or to apply, please visit the Harvard application system.
Kate Powell
Program Manager, Lab for Innovation Science at Harvard
Digital Data Design Institute at Harvard
Boston, MA USA
Kate Powell
Boston MA