There is growing concern about the veracity and robustness of knowledge claims made by organizational researchers. The failure to confirm the findings of landmark studies, along with a drastic increase in retractions rates at many reputable journals and high-profile cases of research fraud, have raised questions about the trustworthiness of both findings and established research practices. The purpose of this plenary is to discuss the role of replication – independent confirmation of published findings – in advancing knowledge in the face of fads, obsessions, and malpractices among academics.
A panel of distinguished senior scholars will share their views on why (or why not) replication can help build cumulative knowledge in management and entrepreneurship research. We will have plenty of time for audience members to ask questions and engage with the panel.
We hope you will join us for the ENT Division Plenary on Monday (August 12), 1.15PM-2.45PM at Hyatt Regency Chicago: Water Tower.
That's Replicable: Building Cumulative Knowledge in the Face of Fads, Obsessions, and Malpractices in Management and Entrepreneurship Research
PANELISTS: Per Davidsson, Constance Helfat, Herman Aguinis, and Jeff McMullen
Moderated by: Vishal K Gupta
We welcome audience questions during the plenary.
More details in the attached flier.
Vishal Gupta
University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa AL
(205) 348-8427