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LAST CALL EGOS 2025 Sub-theme 33: Technologies of Transformation: Studying Emergent Digital Technologies as Ongoing Organizational and Institutional Experiments

  • 1.  LAST CALL EGOS 2025 Sub-theme 33: Technologies of Transformation: Studying Emergent Digital Technologies as Ongoing Organizational and Institutional Experiments

    Posted 01-03-2025 13:44

    If you are are still considering a submission to Egos 2025 in wonderful Athens and are interested in the societal and institutional impact of emerging technologies such as AI, blockchain, robotics, big data analytics or the metaverse, or just broadly studying new forms of organization occasioned by digitalization, please consider submitting your work at Sub-theme 33: Technologies of Transformation: Studying Emergent Digital Technologies as Ongoing Organizational and Institutional Experiments organized by Nelson Phillips, Elisa Villani and myself.

    We are eager to create a discussion forum for scholars across disciplines with a shared interest in advancing organization studies in the face of emerging technologies. We encourage submission of both conceptual and empirical work that can help advance the way we understand the relationship between organizations, institutions, and emerging digital technology from various perspectives, for instance:

    ·       How do new digitally enabled institutional arrangements emerge, diffuse, and are proposed as legitimate within institutional contexts?

    ·       How does the rapid scaling of new technologies, such as blockchain or generative AI platforms, alter institutions and institutional logics?

    ·       To what extent and why does technological change increase the compatibility of certain institutional logics and the contradictions and tensions among others?

    ·       How do emergent technologies employ sedimented institutional logics such as markets, professions, community or state to achieve promises of societal disruption and break from tradition?

    ·       How do socio-material affordances and constraints of emergent technologies contribute towards institutional work and change?

    ·       What is the relationship between the technological arrangements of the present and future promises of societal change and disruption? What are some intended and unintended consequences (e.g., self-fulfilling prophecies, delusion, deception)?

    ·       How do emerging technologies reconfigure organizational and institutional boundaries, possibly transforming organizing and coordination within and across organizations?

    ·       How do organizations trust or verify the work of emerging technologies and how is that related to existing institutions and their transformation?

    ·       How do organizational and institutional experiments with emergent technologies contribute to the creation of new technological fields?

    ·       What is the role of emergent technology entrepreneurs in driving localized and large-scale organizational and institutional change?

    More details about the sub-theme can be found herehttps://www.egos.org/jart/prj3/egos/main.jart?rel=de&reserve-mode=active&content-id=1721760205556&subtheme_id=1701316892918

    Conference Details

    Location: Athens, Greece

    Dates: July 3-5, 2025

    Deadline for short paper submission (max 3,000 words, all-inclusive): January 7, 2025

    For questions please contact a sub-theme convenor:

    Nelson Phillips

    University of California, USA


    Paula Ungureanu

    University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy


    Elisa Villani

    University of Bologna, Italy


    We are looking forward to receiving your short paper submissions!

    On behalf of the conveners,

    Paula Ungureanu

    Paula Ungureanu
    Associate Professor
    Department of Sciences and Methods for Engineering (DISMI)
    University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
    Padiglione Morselli
    Via Giovanni Amendola, 2, 42122 Reggio Emilia RE
    Tel: (+39)0522522113
    E: paula.ungureanu@unimore.it