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Joint Rural/Ag Entrep SIG Workshop at USABE in Las Vegas

  • 1.  Joint Rural/Ag Entrep SIG Workshop at USABE in Las Vegas

    Posted 19 days ago


    If you are coming to the USASBE annual conference in Las Vegas, be sure to join us on Thursday February 13th from 12:30pm to 3:50pm for an amazing workshop and community building event on:

    SIG PRESENTATION: State of the "Field" in Rural and Agricultural Entrepreneurship

    The domains of rural and agricultural entrepreneurship have many complementary as well as unique elements. Similarly, USASBE's Rural Entrepreneurship and Agricultural Entrepreneurship Special Interest Groups (SIGs) have many unique and complementary people, who we are calling together for this joint SIG workshop. At the core of this community-building workshop are four 30-minute panel discussions, lead by members of both SIGs, in the areas of: Technology;  Agricultural Extension & Entrepreneurial Support Organizations; Education & Training; and Ecosystems & Resilience. These panels will be followed by a forward-looking brainstorming session that will generate potential collaborative projects, both between individual members of the two SIGs, as well as future joint activities for the two SIGs. Members all USASBE SIGs are welcome to attend.

    12:30-12:45 Introduction to SIGs and each other

    12:45-13:15 Panel 1 - Technology
    •       Jameilla Robinson-Frazier, jrobinson@umkc.edu, University of Missouri - Kansas City
    •       Mark Gagnon, mag199@psu.edu, Penn State University
    •       Subbu Kumarappan, kumarappan.1@osu.edu, Ohio State University
    •       Linda Niehm, niehmlin@iastate.edu, Iowa State University

    13:15-13:45 Panel 2 - Agricultural Extension & Entrepreneurial Support Organizations
    •       Travis Lesser, tal218@psu.edu, Penn State University
    •       Christian Butzke, butzke@purdue.edu, Purdue University
    •       Jason Entsminger, jason.entsminger@maine.edu, University of Maine

    13:45-14:00 Networking/Bio Break

    14:00-14:30 Panel 3 - Education & Training
    •       Greg Bertsch,  Gregory.bertsch@usd.edu, University of South Dakota
    •       Michael Valdez, mevaldez@fortlewis.edu, Fort Lewis College
    •       Bob Milner, rlm088@shsu.edu, Sam Houston State University
    •       Michael Conger, congermj@miamioh.edu, Miami University

    14:30-15:00 Panel 4 - Ecosystems & Resilience
    •       Erik Monsen, emonsen@uvm.edu, University of Vermont
    •       Stephen Mukembo. Mukembos@missouri.edu, University of Missouri
    •       Lauran Fuller, lfuller@se.edu, Southeastern Oklahoma State University
    •       Kyle Scott, kas216@shsu.edu, Sam Houston State University

    15:00-15:50 Future Brainstorming/Planning

    Erik Monsen
    University of Vermont
    Burlington VT