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JMS call for papers on State Capitalism (Sept 30 deadline)

  • 1.  JMS call for papers on State Capitalism (Sept 30 deadline)

    Posted 09-18-2024 06:14

    Dear friends and colleagues,

    A reminder that we have an open call for papers for a special issue on State Capitalism and Firms at Journal of Management Studies with a Sept 30 deadline (we can accommodate short extensions). This Special Issue seeks to augment these distinct streams of literature by looking at how state capitalism
    impacts firms within the state orbit as well as firms operating in contexts with high incidences of
    state capitalism, and what this means for theory development. Some of the themes are state capitalism and the firm, state ownership, government influence, and strategies for firm success in the face of government influence.

    Please find more information at https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/pb-assets/assets/14676486/JMS%20Call%20for%20Papers%20State%20Capitalism%20Special%20Issue-1688649677823.pdf. If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to the team.

    We look forward to receiving your papers!

    Warm wishes,

    Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Northeastern University, USA (a.cuervocazurra@northeastern.edu)

    Anna Grosman, Loughborough University London, UK (a.grosman@lboro.ac.uk)

    Ilya Okhmatovskiy, Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal (ilya.okhmatovskiy@novasbe.pt)

    Gerhard Schnyder, Loughborough University London, UK (g.schnyder@lboro.ac.uk)

    Geoffrey Wood, Western University, Canada (gwood23@uwo.ca)

    CEM Professor of Global Sustainability and Professor of International Business and Strategy
    Northeastern University, D'Amore-McKim School of Business
    360 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA, 02115, USA